08 October 2019

Against thrombosis and Alzheimer's

Already approved pill prevented Alzheimer's disease in mice

Svetlana Maslova, Hi-tech+

The drug, which is common among patients with cardiovascular diseases, is an excellent prevention against Alzheimer's disease, experiments by scientists from the USA and Spain. Moreover, this is a long-acting therapy.

A group of scientists from Spain and the USA proved that oral treatment with an anticoagulant called dabigatran delays the development of Alzheimer's disease in mouse models. The drug improves cerebral circulation, which is disrupted against the background of the development of the disease, writes EurekAlert (An oral anticoagulant delays the appearance of Alzheimer's disease in mice).


Cerebral blood vessels (red) are damaged in the brains of mice with Alzheimer's disease, but injury is prevented or slowed down by taking dabigatran– VM.

Experiments have shown that long-term intake of dabigatran reduces the signs of Alzheimer's disease. After a year of therapy, the mice did not experience memory loss and decreased cerebral circulation.

Other important symptoms were also corrected – inflammation in the brain, damage to blood vessels decreased, and the number of beta-amyloid plaques decreased.


Figure from the article by Cortes-Canteli et al. Long-Term Dabigatran Treatment Delays Alzheimer's Disease Pathogenesis in the TgCRND8 Mouse Model, published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology – VM.

Dabigatran is approved for the treatment of humans and has fewer side effects compared to other anticoagulants, the authors emphasize. In their opinion, the drug can normalize cerebral circulation in patients with Alzheimer's disease. This hypothesis will be tested in future clinical trials.

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