01 July 2016

Find and destroy cancer stem cells

Siberian scientists have developed a new way to find and destroy cancer

"Science in Siberia"

Specialists of the Federal Research Center Institute of Cytology and Genetics SB RAS have discovered a universal marker of cancer stem cells. Scientists also managed to develop a way to destroy them, which made it possible to cure experimental mice from two forms of malignant tumors.

As Evgenia Vladimirovna Dolgova, a senior researcher at the laboratory of Induced cellular Processes, candidate of Biological Sciences, found out, if DNA fragments are added to stem initiating cancer cells, they will capture them. The idea of a universal marker obtained at the FITZ ICiG SB RAS is based on this principle. Scientists inject a specific fluorochrome dye into a DNA probe, and the cells that have taken it in a certain spectrum begin to glow red. Scientists believe that this discovery could be a real breakthrough in the study of a small population of cells that are the root cause of cancer.

Scientists decided to check whether it is possible to stop the growth of a tumor with the help of DNA, complete with other means. As experts have established, DNA fragments that have entered a cancer stem cell after exposure to the chemotherapeutic drug cyclophosphane become participants in its recovery and interrupt it. Thus, she cannot complete the repair process and subsequently dies.

Senior Researcher of the Laboratory of Induced Cellular Processes, Candidate of Biological Sciences Ekaterina Anatolyevna Alyamkina (Potter) a regulation has been developed that allows to bring to one phase and destroy all the stem cancer cells of the ascitic (when a cavity with fluid is formed) Krebs-2 tumor. As a result, it turned out to completely cure 50% of laboratory mice, which then gave healthy offspring. The effect of the developed therapeutic approach on the solid form of this type of cancer (when the tumor is transferred to the muscle and grows as a solid neoplasm) was also successful.

– The stem cancer cell, which is the cause of the development of the disease, should be tried to kill at the time of recovery after exposure to specific chemotherapy drugs. During such a period, it is sensitive to the developed therapeutic regimens, – emphasizes the head of the laboratory of induced cellular processes, Doctor of Biological Sciences Sergey Stanislavovich Bogachev. – If the neoplasm loses such an organizing "center", the body's immune system will eliminate the residual tumor foci, and a complete cure will occur.

Now the FITC ICiG SB RAS plans to apply the discovered principle of destruction of stem carcinogenic cells and further therapy for other types of malignant neoplasms. Scientists are also working on a diagnostic technique for monitoring the effectiveness of ovarian and stomach cancer treatment using a universal marker. An assessment of the number of stem cells before the start of treatment and after its completion will allow you to say as accurately as possible whether the disease is completely eliminated or a relapse is possible.

Portal "Eternal youth" http://vechnayamolodost.ru  01.07.2016

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