11 September 2013

Metformin instead of Viagra?

An antidiabetic drug was found to have the ability to restore potency

Copper news

It is possible that the common antidiabetic drug metformin will serve as a cheap and effective means of erectile dysfunction therapy in the future. A group of scientists from Georgia Health Sciences University (USA) has discovered the ability of metformin to reduce the level of the hormone angiotensin II in the tissues of the male genitals, which leads to the normalization of the erection process. The work was published in the September issue of the Journal of Sexual Medicine (Labazi et al., Metformin Treatment Improves Erectile Function in an Angiotensin II Model of Erectile Dysfunction).

A key role in the erection process is played by the release of nitric oxide at the stage of sexual arousal, which causes relaxation of the muscles of the cavernous bodies and an increased rush of blood to them. Angiotensin II is a hormone that causes vasoconstriction in the tissues of the male genitals, increases blood pressure in them and reduces the expression of nitric oxide, which is a risk factor for erectile dysfunction due to excessively increased muscle tone of the cavernous bodies.

The authors found that metformin is able to reduce the level of angiotensin II and stimulate the expression of nitric oxide in the erectile tissue of the penis, thereby normalizing the erection process. The effectiveness of metformin has been proven in experiments on rats with an excess of angiotensin-induced erectile dysfunction.

Metformin (available under the trade names "Metformin", "Bagomet", "Glycon", "Gliformin" and others) is one of the most commonly prescribed drugs in the world for the treatment of type 2 diabetes, especially in combination with hypertension and obesity, included in the list of the most important medicines of the World Health Organization (WHO). Metformin reduces the concentration of glucose in the blood by inhibiting its formation in the liver and increases the sensitivity of tissues to insulin.

In addition, metformin was found to have the ability to protect cells from oxidative stress. Experiments have shown that the drug increases life expectancy and delays the manifestation of symptoms of age-related diseases in mice. And in 2012, two independent groups of researchers from the USA and Canada revealed the activity of metformin against various types of cancer.

Portal "Eternal youth" http://vechnayamolodost.ru11.09.2013

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