08 October 2018

Recent diagnostics

The risk of diabetes can be detected 10-20 years before the first symptoms

Sergey Kolenov, Hi-tech+

The vast majority of patients with type 2 diabetes go through the prediabetes stage. A group of Japanese scientists have discovered signs that make it possible to effectively diagnose this condition.

The scientists reported their findings in Berlin at the annual congress of the European Association for the Study of Diabetes. From 2005 to 2016, scientists collected data from 27,392 patients without diabetes, whose average age was 49 years. As reported by Science Daily (Diabetes may begin more than 20 years before diagnosis), researchers were interested in signs such as body mass index, fasting blood glucose levels, as well as average glucose levels and insulin sensitivity. During the study, 1067 subjects developed type 2 diabetes.

Comparing their data with the data of the other participants, the scientists came to the conclusion that the first signs of the disease appeared 10 years before the diagnosis.

In particular, these people had increased body mass index, fasting blood glucose concentration and insulin resistance. The same deviations, but in a milder form, were noted for patients who developed prediabetes over the years of the study.

Scientists note that the prevention of the disease at the stage of prediabetes is not very effective. However, new data prove that with the help of metabolic markers, it is possible to detect the first signs of diabetes and prediabetes 10-20 years before the first symptoms. This will allow you to stop the development of the disease in advance with the help of drugs or a healthy lifestyle.

One of the most effective ways to reduce the risk of diabetes is to lose weight. Due to this, the fatty layer of the liver is reduced, and the beta cells of the pancreas, which produce insulin, return to normal operation.

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