13 October 2016

Mandibular stem cells repair cartilage

Identification of stem cells in the fibrous cartilage (blue),
spontaneously regenerating cartilage (red) and astrocytes animals.

Researchers offices of Columbia, operating under the guidance of Dr. Embry Mildred (Mildred C. Embree), identified in the temporomandibular joint, stem cells are able to form new cartilage tissue and repair damage to the joints.

Only in the U.S. to 10 million people, mostly women, suffer from diseases of the temporomandibular joint connects the lower jaw with the skull. To date, treatment options include surgical intervention and palliative therapy to alleviate symptoms, but not for the restoration of damaged tissue. The authors believe that the recovery of the joint can be achieved through manipulation of the contained stem cells.

Cartilage provides cushioning and good joint function. Type of cartilage that is part of the temporomandibular joint, known as the fibrous cartilage, forming also the knee menisci, and intervertebral discs. As fibrous cartilage is not capable of regeneration and the healing of injuries, injury and disease this tissue can lead to permanent disabilities.

Medical researchers have been working on using stem cells to regenerate cartilage. Given the difficulties associated with the transplantation of donor stem cells, such as the possibility of rejection of donor tissue, they are particularly interested in the methods of application of your own stem cells.

In a series of experiments, the authors have isolated stem cells of fibrous cartilage of the temporomandibular joint and demonstrated their ability to spontaneously differentiate and Mature to form new cartilage and bone tissue in culture. Moreover, mice implanted single cells also spontaneously gave rise to new cartilage and bone tissue, and even began forming bone marrow microenvironment (niche).

In addition, scientists have identified a molecular signal Wnt, leading to the destruction of stem cells fibrous cartilage and degeneration of cartilage. Introduction blocking Wnt molecules sclerostin damaged temporomandibular joint mice stimulated the growth of cartilage and restoration of damage to the joint.

Currently, researchers are searching for other small molecules that can be used for inhibiting Wnt and stimulation of stem cell proliferation of fibrous cartilage. The aim is the development of a drug that is suitable for injection directly into the joint and causes a minimum number of side effects.

In children with juvenile idiopathic arthritis may experience a slowdown in the growth of the lower jaw that can not be corrected with existing drugs. Since TMJ is the growth center of the mandible obtained by the authors, the results may form the basis for new therapeutic strategies in these patients and to deepen the knowledge about the growth and development of the mandible. Whereas today, orthodontists used quite rude technologies, new data could open the possibility to modulate the growth of the lower jaw at the cellular level.

According to Dr. Embry work may ultimately lead to the emergence of restoration strategies fibrous cartilage in other joints, including the knees and spine. The cartilage in these joints have a slightly different composition, so the researchers have to study in detail the molecular mechanisms governing the conduct of members of stem cells.

Article Mildred C. Embree et al. Exploiting endogenous fibrocartilage stem cells to regenerate cartilage and repair joint injury published in the journal Nature Communications.

Eugene Ryabtsev
The portal of "Eternal youth" http://vechnayamolodost.ru on materials from Columbia University College of Dental Medicine: Stem Cells from Jaw Bone Help Repair Damaged Cartilage.


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