28 January 2009

About the benefits of dirt and worms

Kids know: a little dirt won't hurt
Babies Know: A Little Dirt Is Good for You
(Jane E. Brody, The New York Times, 27.01.2009)
Translation: Inopressa

Correspondent Jane Brody talks on the pages of The New York Times about the benefits of intestinal parasites, viruses and bacteria.

It is known that children pull into their mouths everything that comes to hand, including all kinds of dirt. It is believed that they do it instinctively. "Since instinctive behaviors provide an evolutionary advantage (otherwise they would not have persisted for millions of years), there is a possibility that this one also helped humans as a species to survive." And indeed, Brody writes, there are serious arguments in favor of the hypothesis that dirt is good for health.

The mechanism of beneficial effects of microorganisms, viruses and parasites on the human body is as follows. Once in the body, they "stimulate the development of a healthy immune system," moreover: according to some studies that have not yet been completed, worms even help to correct some malfunctions in the immune system that lead to asthma, allergies and autoimmune diseases.

In other words, by putting various objects in his mouth, the child "gives his immune system the opportunity to study his environment," microbiologist-immunologist Mary Rubush, who recently published the book "Why Dirt Is Good", said in an interview with The New York Times.

This is necessary for the proper functioning of the immune system, because in a newborn it is "like an unprogrammed computer. She needs instructions," says Dr. Joel Weinstock of Tufts Medical Center in Boston. In his opinion, "most worms are harmless, especially for people who eat well."

Worms have the most beneficial effect on the human immune system, says gastroenterologist from the University of Iowa Dr. David Elliott. Together with Weinstock, they conducted tests on mice, during which, with the help of worms, it was possible not only to prevent autoimmune diseases, but also to reverse them.

Dr. Rubush recommends giving up antibacterial soap in order not to kill the bacteria necessary for a person, and using ordinary, and in its absence, wipe your hands with special alcohol solutions. Dr. Weinstock goes even further: he advises letting children out barefoot, letting them mess around in the mud and not washing their hands before eating, and to heighten the effect, have a couple of dogs and a cat at home.

Portal "Eternal youth" www.vechnayamolodost.ru28.01.2009

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