28 December 2010

Bioplastics from waste

Bacteria are able to produce plastic from wastewater
Andrey Velichko, Computer 

In Sweden, a project has been developed for the commercial production of plastic for household purposes without the use of refined petroleum products. A pilot project using this scheme was launched by AnoxKaldnes two years ago. It involves the processing of liquid waste into polyhydroxyalkanoate (PHA), which can be used, for example, for the manufacture of plastic containers.

These bottles made of bioplastics were demonstrated at the German exhibition K2010 in November
(Photo by Messe Düsseldorf)

The actual waste processing is carried out by microorganisms. To do this, they must first be enriched with oxygen and nutrients, after which the bacteria will begin to secrete and "store" PHA as an energy source.

Swedish researchers managed to increase the yield of PHA from waste (for example, remaining in the production of wood or paper) to 42% of their dry weight.

The technology, scientists believe, is able to compete with the traditional method of producing plastics from refined petroleum products. Moreover, according to AnoxKaldnes, the cost price will approach $2 per 1 kg of bioplastics — the current price of conventional PHA. Other companies working on a similar process can offer only $4.5–5.5 per kilogram so far.

According to experts, the global production of bioplastics will increase significantly in the near future. According to calculations by BCC Research, the annual growth rate will reach 40% by 2015.

Prepared based on the materials of Design News: Bugs Produce Plastics from Waste.

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