18 May 2016

GMOs have once again been recognized as safe

An official report on the harmlessness of GMOs has been published in the USA

Oleg Lischuk, N+1

The National Academies of Sciences, Technology and Medicine of the USA have prepared a detailed report on genetically modified (GM) crops (Genetically Engineered Crops: Experiences and Prospects).


The main idea of the report was that products from GM crops are not only not harmful, but can be useful for humans.

The report was released based on the results of the work of a specially created commission. Its members studied the available literature on the issue, interviewed 80 experts from various fields, analyzed more than 900 scientific papers and got acquainted with more than 700 comments from members of the public. The document was reviewed by 26 independent experts. All the materials used, which formed the evidence base, are posted on a specially created website.

According to the report, two types of GM crops are currently used: insect-resistant (they contain the genes of the bacterium Bacillus thuringiensis) and herbicides that destroy weeds. Basically, these modifications will be applied to soybeans, corn and cotton – more than 90 percent of these crops grown in the United States contain certain resistance genes.

The data collected over 20 years of using GM crops indicate the absence of their large-scale effect on the health of people and livestock. The long-term epidemiological indicators studied by the commission did not reveal an increase in the number of cases of oncological and other diseases. The fact that products from cereals resistant to insects are less contaminated with insecticides brings some benefit.

GM crops of both types generally yield more yield and income, but this indicator varies depending on the geography of cultivation, local pests and weeds, as well as cultivation methods. These cultures do not affect the diversity of plants and insects. In rare cases, the added genes, like their own, horizontally pass to neighboring plants, but no harm was found from this.

The authors of the report note that the legislative regulation of the use of GM crops varies greatly in different countries, as it reflects local social, political, legal and cultural differences, which complicates international trade. In addition, modern technologies blur the difference between traditional breeding and genetic modification. Because of this, the commission recommended checking for safety, including using genomic analysis, all new varieties of crops with new properties, regardless of the method of obtaining them.

Portal "Eternal youth" http://vechnayamolodost.ru  18.05.2016

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