04 July 2012

100 million megabytes of genetic data per day

A channel allowing the exchange of genetic information has been put into operation
between the US and China at 10 gigabits per second

DailyTechInfo based on KurzweilAINetwork: Genomic data transfer at nearly 10 gigabits per second between US and China.

The organization BGI (Bejing Genomics Institute – VM), one of the world's largest organizations engaged in research in the field of genetics, demonstrated a new data transmission channel that connected American and Chinese research and educational computer networks. The new channel allows you to exchange information at a speed of 10 gigabits per second, which will allow you to transfer more than 100 million megabytes of data per day and that is equivalent to the volume of more than 5,400 blu-ray discs.

A demonstration of the capabilities of the new channel took place on June 22 in Beijing. At the first stage, the channel became a bridge between the following networks – Internet2, the China Education and Research Network (CERNET), the network of the American National Science Foundation (NSF) and the network of Indiana University.

The new channel will allow the effective exchange of genetic data between three leading world-class scientific organizations. For example, the transfer of a file containing genetic information with a volume of 24 gigabytes from Beijing to the University of California at Davis was made in just 30 seconds of time. A few days earlier, using ordinary Internet channels, several hours of time would have been spent on such a transfer.

It should be noted that genetics is currently experiencing an unprecedented rise. First of all, this is due to the reduction in the cost of devices that allow you to read and determine the sequence of genes. At the same time, the volumes of data that this field of science operates with are rapidly growing, and the inability to quickly and efficiently exchange data was the bottleneck that to some extent hindered the further development of genetics.

"The new 10 gigabit channel will allow geneticists to combine all the available disparate data sets into a single whole. This will allow them to penetrate deeper into the mysteries of life, ensuring the collaboration of all the best minds in the world," said Dr. Doei Lin, director of the Bioinformatics Center of the Genetic Center (Bioinformatics Core of Genome Center) and the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI).

Portal "Eternal youth" http://vechnayamolodost.ru04.07.2012

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