22 October 2014

From drunkenness to alcoholism – one micro-RNA

Scientists have found the cause of alcoholism

Infox.ruDoctors from the University of California at San Francisco believe that the reason for the transition from moderate alcohol consumption to binge drinking and alcoholism lies in a decrease in BDNF - a neurotrophic factor of the brain, a substance that stimulates the growth of neurons.

In experiments on mice, scientists have shown that the process is controlled by micro-RNA.

As the authors explain, their previous studies have shown that when a person consumes a moderate amount of alcohol, his amount of BDNF increases. It also turned out that BDNF plays another important function – it prevents the development of various disorders associated with alcohol consumption.

In their current experiment on mice, doctors found that when animals were given a large amount of alcohol for a long time, they significantly reduced the formation of BDNF in the prefrontal cortex of the brain.

As further experiment showed, this process is controlled by a special micro-RNA – miR-30a-5p.

"Our results suggest that brain neurotrophic factor (BDNF) protects against the transition from moderate alcohol consumption to alcoholism, and micro-RNA – miR-30a-5p plays an important role here. When this protection is violated, the body loses control over alcohol consumption, which often leads to alcoholism. This mechanism may explain the fact that about 10% of alcoholic beverage drinkers develop alcoholism," says the study's lead author, Professor Dorit Ron.

According to her, many methods of treating alcohol addiction do not bring the proper result, because they are based on inhibiting the work of the brain reward centers system. But often such therapy leads to the fact that a person ceases to have fun.

"In the search for new methods of treating alcohol addiction, it is very important to focus on those methods and drugs that do not affect the reward system in any way. There is a common problem when many people stop taking drugs that relieve them of alcohol addiction, but at the same time deprive them of the feeling of pleasure at all," says Professor Ron (in a press release UCSF Researchers Identify Key Factor in Transition from Moderate to Problem Drinking – VM).

The results of studies on how moderate alcohol consumption can turn into binge drinking and alcoholism are published in the latest issue of the journal Molecular Psychiatry: Darcq et al., microRNA-30a-5p in the prefrontal cortex controls the transition from moderate to excessive alcohol consumption l.

Portal "Eternal youth" http://vechnayamolodost.ru22.10.2014

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