06 September 2010

DAAD Scholarships for University Graduates

Scholarships for postgraduate studies1. Full name:

Scholarships for postgraduate study for graduates of universities of all specialties (Master- und Aufbaustudiengaenge fuer Graduierte aller wissenschaftlichen Faecher).

1.1 Terms:

from 01.10.2011 to 31.07.2012 (with the possibility of extending the scholarship for another year in the case of a two-year master's degree).

1.2 Target Group:Graduates of universities of all specialties who received a specialist, master's or bachelor's degree no earlier than 2004.

The application can also be submitted by graduate students of universities who will receive a diploma of higher education before the start of their studies (until 01.10.2011). Graduate students cannot participate in this program. If applicants are already in Germany, then at the time of the opening of the DAAD scholarship, i.e. on October 1, 2011, their stay in Germany should not exceed two years.

German students of the final year are not granted scholarships for postgraduate studies in the specialty "Deutsch als Fremdsprache" (DaF), but they can choose study programs in other specialties. Only teachers of the German language of universities have the right to apply for postgraduate studies in the DaF specialty.

Scholarship holders study in the postgraduate education system at special courses at a German university (Master- und Aufbaustudiengaenge), which makes it possible to obtain additional qualifications with the issuance of a German certificate of higher education (diploma, master's degree, certificate).

The duration of study is 2-4 semesters, depending on the chosen course. In April of the first academic year, depending on the academic performance of the scholarship holder, a decision is made to extend the scholarship.

The applicant must choose a master's course at a state university or a university with state accreditation himself and attach to the application a printout from the Internet about the conditions of study for this course. Information about Master's courses in Germany can be found on the websites of Hochschulkompass and DAAD.

In addition to the scholarship, DAAD can compensate the cost of the program in an amount not exceeding 500 Euros/semester. If the applicant chooses a more expensive course, the difference in cost must be borne by the scholarship holder himself.

If the chosen course involves included study abroad, then this training must necessarily take place in one of the countries of the European Union and its duration should not exceed 6 months (i.e. max. 25% of the total time of study in the master's program). Only in this case, the financial support of the scholarship holder from the DAAD remains.

1.3 Language knowledge and its assessment:Applicants must be proficient in English or German to the extent required for training in a specific program they have chosen at a German university.

In accordance with this, it is necessary to attach exactly the international certificate in German (TestDaF, ZOP, DSD, GDS, I.A.) or English (TOEFL, IELTS, I.A.) that the host university requires, and with at least the required number of points! If the training program involves knowledge of German and English, then you need to attach a certificate of knowledge of each of them.

Even if it is indicated on the website of the master's course of a German university that an international certificate in a foreign language is not required at the time of applying to the university, then it still needs to be submitted to DAAD along with the rest of the documents, since such a certificate will be needed when enrolling in a German university.

The requirements for language knowledge by universities participating in the program can be found on the website of each specific master's course.

Scholarship holders who will study in English-language master's programs, DAAD, as a rule, provides free German language courses in Germany before the start of classes lasting from one to three months. Attendance of these courses is mandatory.

1.4 Application procedure:The DAAD form is filled in Online, printed out in PDF format and attached to the package of documents.

If for some reason it is not possible to fill out the application form via the Internet, then the universal DAAD - Antrag auf ein Forschungs /Studienstipendium form should be used.

It is necessary to submit three sets of documents in German or English (two subsequent sets of documents can be copied from the 1st set-the original).

Russian Russian text should be included in each of these sets of documents listed below, arranged in the following order (if the same document is presented in German/English and Russian, then the Russian text is the second one):

1. Application form with attached photo;

2. Autobiography (CV);

3. list of scientific publications, if any;

4. detailed justification of the need to study in Germany and the choice of a specific training course;

5. a printout from the Internet of the conditions of participation in this postgraduate program
training, which should include:
– the exact name of the training course;
– conditions of admission to study under this program;
– the expected curriculum and the expected duration of training
– tuition fees.
If the applicant receives a scholarship, before the start of training (01.10.2011), it is necessary to submit to the DAAD a confirmation of the German university of enrollment (Zulassungsbescheid). Otherwise, the scholarship is revoked!

6. recommendations from two teachers of a Russian university in their specialty (you can download the form here);

7. copies of certificates of education and their translation into German or English (translations can be certified at the place of current study or work; for selections, a self-made translation without certification is sufficient):
a) a copy of the diploma of higher education together with an Appendix to the diploma with the results of intermediate and final exams (if it is not yet available, then a copy of the record book for the entire period of study; a copy of the diploma is provided in this case no later than the start of the scholarship);
b) a copy of the certificate of secondary (full) education with a report card of final grades of academic performance;

8. certificate of knowledge of German or English (see clause 1.3);

9. the address sheet (1 copy, located here) should be placed between the first and second sets of documents, it must specify the name of the city with the postal code, the number of the house, building and apartment, phone numbers with the area code and a valid email address.

Applications without specifying a valid email address are not considered, and it is necessary to specify the address of your personal mailbox exclusively!

The application must be submitted by November 30, 2010 (by postmark) to the Moscow representative office of DAAD.

The results of the consideration of the documents will be reported in writing.

Please wait for written notification.

Curator of the program: Komleva Marina Vasilyevna (komleva @ daad.ru )

Portal "Eternal youth" http://vechnayamolodost.ru06.09.2010

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