06 October 2014

MIPT Postdoctoral Competition

MIPT announces a postdoctoral competition

MIPT announces an open competition for the selection of young scientists with international experience in leading research organizations (postdocs) to conduct research in MIPT laboratories in 2014-2016 with the possibility of extending their work until 2017. The competition is held within the framework of the MIPT Competitiveness Improvement Program ("5top100" program).

The winners of the competition will be employed at MIPT with a guaranteed monthly payment of 65 thousand rubles in 2014, 70 thousand rubles in 2015 and 75 thousand rubles in 2016. In addition to the official salary, incentive allowances can be paid to young scientists at the expense of the laboratory. If necessary, a young scientist is provided with a place in the MIPT dormitory, while payment for accommodation is made at the expense of the "5top100" Program.

Young scientists under the age of 35 who have defended their dissertation for the degree of candidate (doctor) of sciences or a foreign PhD degree no more than six years ago can take part in the competition. Additional requirements for the participants of the competition are specified in the competition regulations on the program website.

Each participant has the right to submit one application within the competition queue. The application for participation in the competition must be prepared and submitted to the competition in Russian and English or in English. The form of the application for participation in the competition, the procedure for its preparation, including the list of documents attached to the application, are specified in the regulations on the competition.

Applications for participation in the competition are accepted by e-mail postdoc@mipt.ru until 17:00 Moscow time on November 1, 2014. Information about the results of the competitions will be published on the MIPT website.

Portal "Eternal youth" http://vechnayamolodost.ru06.10.2014

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