15 May 2012

Photonics postdocs are invited to Barcelona

Grants for young scientists to participate in research projects (Barcelona, Spain)

The Photonics Research Institute (ICFO, Barcelona, Spain) invites young scientists to participate in the postdoctoral research program.

The aim of the international program implemented with the financial support of the European Commission (Marie Curie Co-funding of Regional, National and International Program – COFUND) is to provide young scientists at the beginning of their scientific careers with the opportunity to work at the cutting edge of modern science and become successful independent researchers.

The Institute offers scholarships lasting 24 months. Fellows will be invited to join the work of ICFO research groups.

A short (incomplete) list of scientific research carried out in ICFO research groups: biophotonics, photomedicine, nanophotonics, nanotechnology, nonlinear optics, quantum optics, quantum computer science, laser physics (generation of ultrashort pulses), optoelectronics, etc.

Young researchers who are not Spanish citizens (do not reside permanently in Spain) are invited to participate in the competition.

If the applicant has already participated in an educational (research) program in Spain, then the period of his stay in Spain should not exceed 12 months in the last two years.

By the deadline for submitting applications, a young scientist must have a PhD degree. The degree must be obtained no more than five years before the application deadline. An exception is made for applicants who took documented academic leave after the birth of a child. For women who have given birth to children during this period, the term of obtaining a degree can be extended by 12 months for each child, but not more than three years. The candidate must be the main author of at least one scientific publication (signed, accepted for publication or published).

A standard 2-year employment contract will be concluded with the fellows, listing the duties of an employee in the ICFO research group.

The deadline for submitting applications for participation in the program is June 30, 2012.

Detailed information is provided on the ICFO website

The translation of the message was carried out by employees of IC "NT-INFORM"Portal "Eternal youth" http://vechnayamolodost.ru


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