08 June 2015


Applications for the RUSNANOPRIZE Prize in 2015 have been accepted

This year, the RUSNANOPRIZE 2015 Prize will be awarded for work in the field of energy efficiency and "green" technologies – areas that combine a high degree of knowledge intensity, increased demand for technologies in these areas, broad opportunities for the use of nanotechnology, strategic impact on industries, as well as people's daily lives.

The role of technologies that make it possible to increase the efficiency of energy generation, transmission, storage, and reduce its consumption has significantly increased in the formation of the energy map of the world. Along with the increasing proliferation of alternative energy sources, advances in electronics, materials science, and physical chemistry allow for more efficient use of energy obtained by traditional methods.

The monetary part of the award is 3 million rubles.

The RUSNANOPRIZE Prize is awarded annually to the authors of scientific and technological developments and inventions in the field of nanotechnology introduced into mass production with an annual volume of at least $10 million. Inventors, scientists and developers receive a monetary part of the Award, award symbols, honorary diplomas and badges of laureates. The company that introduced the development into mass production and achieved commercial success due to its implementation is awarded with an honorary diploma and an award symbol of the award.

Russian and foreign organizations, as well as individuals, with the exception of members of the Award Committee, have the right to nominate candidates for the competition. Self-nomination of applicants is allowed, among other things.

Applications for the Award will be accepted until August 31, 2015. Applications are accepted and registered by the Award Directorate by e-mail rusnanoprize@forinnovations.org strictly in accordance with the nomination form.

Regarding the nomination of candidates
Maxim Sosin
m.sosin@forinnovations.org+7 (495) 660-06-68, ext. 4095

Details are available on the Rusnano website.

Portal "Eternal youth" http://vechnayamolodost.ru08.06.2015

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