15 December 2010

Spiritual understanding of SCENAR therapy

First – a neutral, unappreciated message:

In Skolkovo, they are asking for money for a healing mobile phone
Vitaly Petlevoy, RBC dailyThe Skolkovo Scientific Council considered the first batch of projects.

As RBC daily managed to find out, there were many amazing projects among them, for example, the Interactive Telemedicine company, which produces healing cell phones. The project is being asked for 315 million rubles, its revenue in five years is estimated at $ 30 million.

At the disposal of RBC daily was a business plan of one of the applicants for participation in the project of the innovative city of Skolkovo – the company "Interactive Telemedicine", which offers to produce medical and diagnostic complexes "Scenar". The kit includes not only a medical vest with electrodes, but also a "Scanner phone" capable of treating patients and transmitting data about the patient's condition to a doctor.

It looks like an old Nokia 3210 handset. But according to the explanatory note to the business plan, the "Scenar-phone" is a device capable of "using electrodes to provide individually dosed therapeutic effects on skin areas with pulsed currents, normalizing the impaired functions of organs and systems."

As noted in the business plan submitted to the commission of the Scientific Council of the Skolkovo Foundation, the company, registered on July 13, 2010, is going to earn up to $ 30 million from sales of such devices in five years. A source of RBC Daily in the Skolkovo Foundation management company confirmed that the Interactive Telemedicine company had indeed submitted an application and it was considered yesterday at the scientific council.

The CEO of Technoprom, Mikhail Gamzin, explained to RBC daily that the telemedicine direction is developing at a tremendous speed. "This is a rapidly growing market," he said. Various medical devices embedded in gadgets are also actively developing now. Frankly speaking, the attitude of doctors to this approach in the treatment of diseases is ambiguous. There are conservatives who are against such means."

According to Evgeny Kuznetsov, Director of the Development and Communications Department of the Russian Venture Company, telemedicine is a qualitatively new level of disease control. But no one can assess what contribution a healing phone and a vest with electrodes will make to it.

Well, how can it not be taken? Evaluated, and more than once. Like this, for example:

SCENAR therapy: impact on the brain or action without brains?If quackery takes hold of the masses and becomes a material force, then does it remain quackery?
And if an elementary scam gains official recognition, is allowed to be used in medical institutions and occupies an important place in terms of "scientific" research of universities and research institutes?

This is one of those who like to sort out charlatans, pseudo–scientists, unscientific journalists, etc., wrote in a specially designated place for this – the "Scientific Kunstkamera" - a year and a half ago, when there was no smell of Skolkovo yet. If you want, read the comments by clicking on the title. Including very emotional ones. And most importantly – do not miss there a link to the study "BRT – breaking existing stereotypes. Analysis of the methods and implementations of BRT proposed for use in state and commercial medical structures", published as much as 10 years ago on the website of the Skeptics Club.

A long scientific study can be read in full, and here we will give the conclusions, and even then in an abridgment, only the main thoughts:

1. In the experiment, it was found that the so-called feedback bioresonance, realized through biologically active points (BAT), is actually a reaction of the device to a change in tissue resistance to electric current (impedance)…

2. Given the size of the electrodes used in the SCENAR device, it is simply not possible to carry out a direct action on the BAT…

3. The effect of the SCENAR apparatus on biological tissues is limited to an insignificant area of the skin and represents a local biophysical thermodynamic process in the autonomic-physiological structures of the skin receptor section of the analyzer (and not some global process of "bioresonance…

4. ...impedance equalization can in no way serve as an analogue of true biofeedback. This connection is rather physical and temporary, based on electrical phenomena associated with ohmic and capacitive resistances of the skin.

And, finally, the most important thing is the diversity and diversity of indications for BRT! There is literally everything here – from cerebral palsy to "removing the effects of biovampirism", from incurable purulent processes to oncology – and this is along with the fact that according to numerous data, physiotherapy is sometimes directly contraindicated in such pathology. The question is, what is it? Skillfully conducted "group APC therapy" or no less effectively served advertising? ...Yes, psychotherapy is a subject that is not prohibited for individual medical practice. Moreover, in some cases it is still sometimes quite effective. Yes, she can allow "a lie for salvation." But the use of "mass psychotherapy" in order to sell ... fairly simple devices for electrophysiotherapy in combination with unreasonably extended indications for their use is already closely adjacent to ordinary charlatanism, if it is not!

Resuscitator Gubin Nikolay Gennadievich (GNG)
September 7-17, 2000

And for a snack (in a postscript) I bring to your attention an article published, among other things, on the website of scenar therapists. This is something beyond...

A Healthy Skeptic
Portal "Eternal youth" http://vechnayamolodost.ru

"Spiritual understanding of SCENAR therapy"The great tragedy of modern medicine is the idea of the human body as a purely material structure, and the denial of other shells entering the material body, functioning at a different level of electromagnetic frequencies.

Due to the change in the direction of the flow of time (January 5, 1992), from spiritual decline to spiritual growth, which changed all matter, there was a need to form new approaches, new principles in the treatment of man. The causes of diseases should be sought not in the physical body of a person, but in its spiritual aspect. Therefore, studying only the physical body does not provide complete knowledge about a person. It has been known for many millennia that a person is multidimensional, i.e. has not only a physical body, but a set of subtle bodies that make up the energy framework of the physical body.

The physical body allows you to make changes in creation. It is an instrument of creativity and a temple of the living spirit. And a person is asked how he takes care of his physical body. The body is the crystallized substance of the soul. Every part of our body carries information. The body is a book that we all need to learn to read in order to understand what is happening in our soul and what messages it sends us. When a person is relaxed, the body and mind are connected, duality disappears and a whole arises and automatically a person becomes healthy both body and soul. Any tension inside the body shows that fears or corresponding thought forms live in a person.

The etheric body is the quantum level of a person, which is a conductor of vital energy and repeats the shape of the physical body. Controls the metabolism in the tissues of the body, cell division. The state of the etheric body indicates the state of the physical. The aura of the etheric body is normally seen in the form of hairs directed perpendicular to the surface of the body. The degree of purity and the length of the hairs speaks about the possibilities of a person in life and about his physical health. Partial displacement of the etheric body causes pain in the bones (twists the legs); partial release of the etheric body can lead to fainting, complete - to death.

The astral body is the quantum level of a person, showing the correspondence of his desires and reality. The degree of this correspondence is expressed by the color of the aura of the astral body, which looks like fog. Its colors depend on a person's mental inclinations. It has an egg-shaped shape and is the original according to which the physical body is built, it is a conductor of emotions and desires, a regulator of feelings. If a person knows how to control his emotions, it means that he has mastered the vibrations of the astral level, he becomes more cheerful, younger.

The mental body is the quantum level of a person, which is the beginning of his thoughts. Any thought must be complete. Diagnosis is a mental program. Man is only a translator of thoughts. One of the principles of working with a negative thought is not to recognize it as your own and send it back to where it came from. Religion works on the mental plane.

The body of causes is the quantum level of the human soul. The body of causes is preserved from life to life, so we can go to the cause using the mechanism of memory.

The aura of the body of causes is manifested by energy flows coming from a person in the direction of the cause, which are necessary for the development of the cause into the effect. When energy passes through a person, it passes through 3 bottlenecks, outposts: 1st - the yarm fossa; when it is blocked, diseases of the ENT organs develop, headache, migraines, tumors. The 2nd outpost is the xiphoid process and there are 2 points next to it: asthma, lung, bronchial, and heart diseases. 3rd outpost - the pubic bone: all male, female diseases, impotence, stomach problems, intestines.

The Buddhist body and the nirvanic body are the highest human bodies associated with the manifestation of the Human Spirit, they are in their infancy and develop when a person reveals his creative potential. The way of awakening life in the Buddhist body is the expansion of consciousness.

The nirvanic body is connected to the limbic system of pleasure centers. The manifestation of life in it is characterized by freedom.

The body of causes, Buddhist and Nirvanic bodies do not disappear with the death of a person, but go up in order for this experience to be reinterpreted by another physical body - this is the so-called Reincarnation - the transmigration of the soul.

On January 5, 1992, a time change occurred during a solar eclipse. Until January 5, the subtle substances of the physical body descended down into the physical world. Now time has turned up, man is gradually rising to the spirit - from the gross matter passes into the spiritual level.

What is spirituality? This is a person's awareness of his unity with the environment, the cosmos. The theorist of quantum physics Kapra in his book "The Tao of Physics" says that scientists have discovered the unity of all objects of the Universe, i.e. there is an interaction of the atom, the Universe, the entire Universe with the own destiny of each of us.

Through the body of causes, cosmic energy enters the human body, which has 2 components: vital energy and mental or informational energy.

Energy, moving in the form of three vibrating streams along the spine, forms 7 cone-shaped vortices (chakras). All this variety of energies, entering the body, is transformed into a single form, which has received the conditional name of bioenergy, and is further addressed to its consumers. The chakras receive, accumulate and transform the primary cosmic energy into the energies of other vibrations that feed the subtle bodies. On average, it takes a person 10 years to assimilate wisdom corresponding to the level of each chakra.

During the first 10 years of life, there is a recognition and testing of the possibilities of physical vitality (muladhara).

From the age of 10 to 20, a person discovers the sexual side of life, gets acquainted with it in theory and in practice (svadhisthana).

From the age of 20 to 30, the abilities related to power (manipura) are learned and put into practice.

From the age of 30 to 40, the comprehension of love (anahata) takes place.

From the age of 40 to 50, relationships with the world (vishudha) are formed.

From the age of 50 to 60, everyday wisdom is formed from the acquired life experience. A person draws conclusions from his right and wrong actions (ajna).

From the age of 60 to 70, a person opens up to faith in the supreme mind and realizes the need for it (sahasrara). This is a time for repentance and correction of mistakes.

If the timely development of the chakras does not occur, then various blocks are formed, distortions of reality by a person, problems of the physical body. The spent energy is dissipated into the surrounding space diffusely (through the skin), or locally, for example, through the eyes.

Vanik's book "Thermodynamics of Real Processes" for the first time theoretically proves the presence of a chronal field created by a time flow at the interface of media. It represents torsion fields generated by the density of the angular momentum of rotation.

The most important properties of torsion fields are:

1. Unlike electromagnetism, where charges of the same name repel and charges of different names attract, in torsion fields, charges of the same name attract and charges of different names repel.

2. Since torsion fields are generated by classical spin, then as a result of the effect of the torsion field on some object, only its spin state will change for this object.

3. Passing through physical environments without interacting with these environments, i.e. without losses. They cannot be screened.

4. The group velocity of torsion waves is not less than 109 m/s, i.e. greater than the speed of light.

5. Since all substances have zero collective spin, then all substances have their own torsion field. The spatial-frequency structure of the intrinsic torsion field of any substance is determined by the chemical composition and spatial structure of molecules or the crystal lattice of this substance.

6. Torsion fields have memory. A torsion source with a certain spatial-frequency structure of the torsion field polarizes the Physical Vacuum in some surrounding space along the classical spin. In this case, the resulting spatial spin structure is preserved after the specified torsion source moves to another region of space.

The theory of Akimov and Shipov torsion fields confirms the principles of causality formulated 3 thousand years ago by Hermes Tris-Megister:

1. The principle of mentalism. Everything is mind, God creates with thought through man, using the human brain for creation.

2. The principle of conformity: both below and above.

3. The principle of vibrations: everything moves, everything vibrates. Human health is the harmony of the vibrations of his physical and subtle bodies. And harmony is the purpose and essence of human life on Earth.

4. The principle of polarity. Everything is dual, extremes touch and often merge into each other.

5. The principle of rhythm. Life is an oscillation between two poles.

6. The principle of causes and effects.

7. The principle of gender. There is a vital force in everything, which has a masculine and feminine origin.

The laws are universal. Their effect extends to the phenomena of living and inanimate nature, as well as to the processes taking place in society.

What happens when a person gets sick? External or internal energy-informational influences are recorded by the cause on the subtle plane in the causal body. There is a causal flow that changes the physical characteristics of energy flows in the etheric body, which is reflected on the physical plane by deformation of membranes and cell walls, changes in osmotic pressure, etc. This is not a disease yet, a person feels a sense of anxiety, discomfort. If the flow of PSS is not eliminated, anatomical changes and certain clinical signs of pathology of the physical body develop.

Thus, human health is the harmony of the physical and subtle bodies. The concept of a "healthy organism" usually corresponds to a state of the system when all information exchange processes between its elements at the micro and macro levels proceed most harmoniously, i.e. in full accordance with a predetermined genetic program or scheme. Such elements are our organs, their parts, cells, cell elements, and even the molecules of biochemical components themselves. The whole organism lives and functions as a whole. All the subjects of the system know everything about each other and maintain relationships with each other through the available channels and relationships. This ability is the most important feature of a "living" organism, which has been called fractality.

Any electromagnetic radiation contains a component of torsion radiation. Thus, in addition to the described effects of the device on the human body, it also affects the flow of human time, bringing the vibrations of the physical and subtle bodies into line, which significantly accelerates the healing process. Such an impact occurs instantly. Time carries out a causal relationship and flows into the system through cause to effect. The source of time is human creativity. In the properties of Time there is a source that supports life in the universe.

The human condition is recorded in the information field in the form of a causal hologram and is called an image. You can enter it and you can change the image. The reason originates in the subtle body in the form of a small hologram, comes from the physical body, thoughts, words, deeds. It should be charged with energy, connected, for example, to the liver, discomfort occurs, then pain. The liver is a consequence in relation to the cause, so there is no effect in the treatment of hepatic symptoms. If you eliminate the cause in the subtle body, then you can treat the consequence.

On 5.01.1992, during a lunar eclipse, there was a change of time. Before there was an involution - the subtle substances of the physical body descended down into the physical world (the fallen angel). Nature builds coarse matter very rationally.

Now time has turned upwards, a person is constantly rising to the spirit, moving from the gross matter to the spiritual level.

Diseases began to acquire a situational character, the human condition completely changed from his health to his development in society.

The Hale planet has turned a person out, i.e. shifted him into thin fields, the number of diseases is increasing, takes on an unusual character (complex depressions, periodic illness, etc.).

Now let's turn to the brilliant theory of functional systems by P.K. Anokhin.

Back in 1916, the great I.P. Pavlov in his article "The Reflex of purpose" described the ability of the nervous system to anticipate the necessary useful results of action. However, the intellectual climate of society at that time did not contribute to the perception of such information, and the technical level of science did not allow experiments on this topic, and therefore Pavlov stopped research in this direction.

His work was continued by our countryman, Pyotr Kuzmich Anokhin, who discovered the universal law of functional systems as a result of 40 years of work.

Functional systems are dynamic self-regulating organizations, all the components of which interact to achieve adaptive results useful for the system and the metabolism of the organism as a whole.

Such vital results are:

1. Indicators of the internal environment that provide various aspects of tissue metabolism: pH reaction, CO2-O2 level, nutrient level, osmotic pressure, etc. Their changes form the internal biological needs of the body.

2. The results of behavioral activity that satisfy the internal needs of the body.

3. The results of human social activity.

The main mechanisms of the system solve 4 issues:

1. what result should be obtained;

2. when exactly should the result be obtained;

3. by what mechanisms should the result be obtained;

4. how the system is convinced of the sufficiency of the result obtained.

The specific mechanism of interaction of the system is to release them from an excessive degree of freedom, unnecessary for obtaining this particular result. And, conversely, the preservation of all those degrees of freedom that contribute to obtaining a result. The content of the result, its parameters are formed by the system in the form of a specific model before the result itself appears. A very important property of the system is the property of sudden mobilizability of the structural elements of the organism in accordance with the continuous functional requirements that the function imposes on the structure, i.e. the possibility of instant construction of any fractional combinations that provide the functional system with a useful adaptive result.

Anokhin formulated one of the most cardinal laws of life: any functional system, mechanical or living, created or developed to obtain a useful effect, necessarily has a cyclical character and cannot exist if it does not receive feedback about the degree of usefulness of the effect produced.

The central organization of the functional system includes: the stages of afferent synthesis, decision-making, the formation of acceptors of the results of the action and the action program, the stage of achieving the result and the reverse afferentation about the result.

Thus, every moment in the human body, millions of functional systems are formed under the influence of trigger stimuli, which monitor the state of the internal and external environment; investigate the dominant motivations (thirst, cold, any movement, etc.), extract from the evolutionary memory all the moments of such situations at the level of "comfort-discomfort"; then a decision is made and a program of actions is developed; immediately a model of the final result of this act is created in the cerebral cortex (the acceptor of the results of the action); then the nervous excitement is sent to the periphery, an action is performed that has a certain result and information about the parameters of this result is sent to the cerebral cortex, where they are compared with the parameters of the model. If there is a coincidence of the forecast and the parameters of the result produced, then this functional system breaks up and another system is formed to perform other tasks.

In all cases of mismatch of the action acceptor with the specifically obtained results, the mechanism of the tentative research reaction is automatically activated, which leads to an immediate expansion and mobilization of afferent information due to a more thorough analysis of the environment.

This process is lengthy. It is associated with the continuous circulation of central-peripheral excitation cycles in afferent systems. As a result, a new program of action is created, which can form on the periphery exactly those final results that correspond to the previously established acceptor of action.

The following provisions were formulated in Anokhin 's laboratory:

1) the presence of an adaptive result in any self-regulating and self-organizing system radically orients all information flows in the system to this result;

2) any element of the system conducts or converts information in the equivalent of some fraction of this result;

3) each element of the system, the information of which does not reflect the parameters of the result, becomes a hindrance to the system and is immediately overcome by plastic rearrangements of the entire system as a whole.

At the moment of exit from the cerebral cortex, the pyramidal excitation gives a "copy" of the efferent excitation not only to the result evaluation complexes, i.e., to the cerebral cortex, but also to the reticular formation. The reticular formation in the opposite direction from the cortex has the opportunity to exert an additional energetic effect on those circular excitations ("waiting circles") that should retain their activity until the information about obtaining a useful result arrives. As we know, in some cases, the complex of the acceptor of the results of an action must be in a tense state for a very long time before a real programmed result is obtained.

There are about 14 billion in the brain . nerve cells. Each of them can have up to 5000 possible states, depending on the impulses coming to the synapses, and each of these contacts can give the state of the neuron a special quality. By mathematical calculation it turned out that the number of degrees of freedom of nerve cells of the brain can be expressed as one with so many zeros that they can fit only on a tape length of 9500000 km. One has only to imagine this multitude to understand that a person will almost never be able to use all the grandiose possibilities of his brain activity.

All of the above processes require energy costs for their implementation. It may be lacking or in excess with various blocks on the physical and subtle planes. In this case, some of the functional systems turn into pathological functional systems, which leads to distortion of the final result and, eventually, to disease. In this case, the SCENAR acts as a backup functional system that helps restore the energy balance in the physical and subtle bodies and sensitively reacts both to changes in the reactivity of the patient and to the state of the doctor.

For a SCENAR therapist, a doctor of a new formation, a holistic approach to the patient is important, i.e. considering his problem both in the physical body and on the subtle planes. It is also important to teach a similar way of thinking to the patient himself.

Statova Olga Antonovna

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