10 February 2014

The tasks are defined

The Government has identified 16 priority scientific tasks

Yuri Medvedev, Rossiyskaya Gazeta

The Russian government has formulated a list of 16 priority scientific tasks.

Representatives of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the Kurchatov Institute Research Center, the Higher School of Economics, the Science Council under the Ministry of Education and Science, as well as representatives of the Presidential Administration of the Russian Federation, the FANO and the Ministry of Education and Science participated in the preparation of the document.

Which of the more than 770 proposals was included in the final list:

  1. Research, development and creation of new generations of systems, devices, devices and their components based on nano- and microsystem technology;
  2. Research, development and creation of hybrid, biosimilar and artificial biological materials, structures and systems, including for medical purposes, as well as intelligent technical systems, devices and their components, including neuromorphic;
  3. Using the principles of programmable network management and virtualization of network services to form problem-oriented computing environments designed to solve complex applied problems;
  4. Brain: cognitive functions, mechanisms of neurodegeneration, molecular targets for early diagnosis and treatment;
  5. Cellular and regenerative medicine. Transplantation of organs and tissues created on the basis of 3D cultivation technology;
  6. Multiplex platforms for molecular diagnostics of oncological, cardiovascular, autoimmune and infectious diseases;
  7. Personalized medicine of socially significant and orphan diseases of the endocrine system;
  8. National Collection of Experimental Models of Human Pathologies and cryobank of biological materials;
  9. Development of technologies for integrated assessment of environmental safety of regions and cities of Russia;
  10. Improving the efficiency of the search and extraction of strategic metals from the raw materials of natural and man-made deposits;
  11. Development of new methods in biotechnology of solid substrates and renewable biomass;
  12. Creation of breakthrough technologies in the field of development and production of spatial and integral composite structures for a new generation of equipment;
  13. Electrochemical energy storage and converters for energy efficient and environmentally friendly transport, robotics, distributed and renewable energy;
  14. Development of promising technologies for safe socially acceptable nuclear and thermonuclear energy;
  15. Construction of the astronomical segment of the national system for countering space threats and the development of methods of astronomical research;
  16. Energy of the future. Development of fundamental studies of the behavior of matter at extreme parameters.

It is noteworthy that of the 16 priorities, five relate to medicine to one degree or another. For each priority, the authors name the main expected results.

In particular, these are early diagnosis and prevention of the development of Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases; early diagnosis of oncological, cardiovascular, autoimmune and infectious diseases, transplantation of organs and tissues created on the basis of 3D cultivation technology.

The list of priority tasks will help to use the available scientific equipment more effectively to solve urgent problems of socio-economic development of the country.

Portal "Eternal youth" http://vechnayamolodost.ru10.02.2014

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