04 April 2013

The economy must be innovative

Medvedev approved the state program for the development of an innovative economy

<url>Dmitry Medvedev signed the state program "Economic Development and Innovative Economy" developed by the Ministry of Economic Development.

The corresponding order was published on the government's website on April 3.

The state program will be implemented in one stage – from 2013 to 2020 inclusive. It defines the main tools and mechanisms of state regulation that ensure the solution of key tasks in the field of innovative socially oriented economic development.

The program includes nine subprograms: "Formation of a favorable investment environment", "Development of small and medium-sized businesses", "Creation of favorable conditions for the development of the real estate market", "Improvement of state and municipal management", "Stimulation of innovation", "Improving the efficiency of the functioning of natural monopolies and other regulated organizations and the development of stimulating regulation", "Personnel for the innovative economy", "Improvement of the system of state strategic management", "Formation of official statistical information".

The document is aimed at creating a favorable business climate and conditions for doing business, increasing innovation activity, as well as ensuring the growth of public administration efficiency. The authors of the document believe that a full-scale systematic implementation of the set of measures provided for by the state program will ensure the transition to a predominantly innovative path of development of the Russian economy as a whole and will create effective incentives to increase investment activity and labor productivity growth.

The Ministry of Economic Development has been instructed to post the full text of the state program "Economic Development and Innovative Economy" on its official website within 2 weeks, as well as on the state program portal on the Internet.

The Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation must submit proposals to the government within 3 months for inclusion in the subprogram aimed at ensuring the creation and functioning of the Skolkovo Innovation Center.

Portal "Eternal youth" http://vechnayamolodost.ru04.04.2013

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