01 June 2017

Metal nanoparticles will clean the oral cavity from bacteria

RIA News

The innovative composition of the mouthwash, developed by NUST MISIS together with specialists of Vyatka State University, significantly changes the composition of the microflora of the oral cavity and destroys up to 83% of soft plaque. The effectiveness of the composition was confirmed during clinical studies at the Department of Dentistry of the Kirov State Medical University.

Rinses and irrigators (devices that use a thin stream of liquid under high pressure as a means of purification) are now recommended by dentists as the most effective auxiliary means for brushing teeth. They allow you to remove bacteria that form plaque and food particles from those cavities between the teeth where the bristles of the toothbrush do not reach and it is difficult to use dental floss. Russian scientists from NUST MISIS, in partnership with medical specialists, have developed a rinse aid that, with regular use, suppresses the growth of pathogenic bacteria in the oral cavity, reducing the risk of caries and tissue diseases. Scientists have achieved high efficiency of the rinse aid by introducing metal nanoparticles into its composition. Experiments have shown that they are capable of suppressing the growth of plaque-forming bacteria for a short time.

"The cell death of a pathogenic microorganism occurs as a result of chemical destruction of the cell walls and various membranes, including the membranes of the cell organelles. Chemical destruction occurs as a result of the interaction of metal nanoparticles with biopolymers of the microbe cell. As a result, lysis (exit) of the cell contents into the environment occurs. With regard to Staphylococcus aureus and most cocci, the bactericidal and bacteriostatic properties of the drug sometimes significantly exceed the effect of antibiotics in their severity," explained Svetlana Gromova, co–author of the project, Dean of the Faculty of Dentistry of Kirov State Medical University, Candidate of Medical Sciences.

During the clinical testing of the development at the Department of Dentistry of Kirov State Medical University, volunteers used a mouthwash for a month. Control measurements were carried out after 14 and 30 days of its use. It was found that the bacteria forming the plaque are sensitive to various solutions containing nanoparticles of metal oxides. Also, a decrease in the adhesion of microorganisms to the surface of the teeth and a decrease in the risk of inflammation were confirmed. It was noted that with regular use, the amount of fungal flora decreases by the 30th day, which indicates the normalization of the chemical balance of the oral fluid.

The head of the scientific group, Associate Professor of the Department of Physical Chemistry at NUST MISIS, Georgy Frolov, spoke about the scientific conclusions of the experiments:

"Non-ionic colloidal solutions of metal oxides are non-toxic to humans. Being at the same time a source of trace elements, they exhibit long-term antibacterial properties against plaque microorganisms. We have recorded during the study that when using a metal oxide-based rinse aid, the amount of soft plaque on the surfaces of teeth is significantly reduced, the amount of pathogenic microflora is reduced until its complete destruction."

Currently, the first experimental batches of the drug are being created in the laboratory of NUST MISIS, the composition is being patented and registered for medical use.

Portal "Eternal youth" http://vechnayamolodost.ru  01.06.2017

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