22 August 2013

Aging by inheritance

Inherited mutations from the mother can accelerate aging

RIA NewsScientists have shown for the first time that the aging of body cells is determined not only by the accumulation of mutations in DNA during life, but also by mutations inherited from the mother in mitochondrial DNA, according to an article published in the journal Nature (Ross et al., Germline mitochondrial DNA mutations aggravate aging and can impair brain development; briefly about the content of the work, see in the Karolinska Institutet press release, Your mother's genes can hasten your own aging process – VM).

In the process of aging, mutations accumulate in the cells of the body that disrupt their work. Scientists consider the aging of mitochondria to be the most important element of this process. Mitochondria, which are present in almost all cells of living organisms, are vital because they convert nutrients into ATP – the "fuel" for cells.

"Mitochondria have their own DNA, which changes more than the DNA of the nucleus, and this significantly affects the aging process. The accumulation of mutations in mitochondria gradually stops the production of energy in cells," explained the lead author of the study, Nils–Goran Larsson from the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm (Sweden).

Larson and his colleagues conducted experiments on mice specially bred with mutations in mitochondrial DNA. Scientists have shown for the first time that the aging process occurs not only as a result of the accumulation of mutations in mitochondrial DNA during life. Mutations inherited from the mother can accelerate the aging process.

Unexpectedly, scientists have also discovered that inherited mutations in mitochondrial DNA, together with a large number of mutations accumulated during life, can lead to deformation of brain tissue, especially in the hippocampus, the area responsible for memory and orientation in space.

Scientists believe that the development of a therapy that slows down aging is possible. In particular, dietary changes and medications, such as antioxidants, can restore the functioning of mitochondria and reduce their death.

Portal "Eternal youth" http://vechnayamolodost.ru22.08.2013

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