15 January 2018

Brain Aging Protein

New discovery may help prevent brain aging

Ilya Vedmedenko, Naked Science

The experiments allowed the researchers to understand some of the mechanisms of brain aging. In theory, the new discovery will help in the future to prolong the normal functioning of the central nervous system in humans.

Even in our time, many important mechanisms of the brain remain a mystery behind seven seals. Meanwhile, the widespread prevalence of neurodegenerative diseases, including those caused by age-related processes in the body, pushes the scientific world to more detailed research. An experiment conducted by scientists from Stanford University helped to find out some aspects of the mechanism of brain aging. A brief overview of Protein helps old blood age the brains of young mice is available on the Science News portal, a detailed description can be found on the Biorxiv resource (Yousef et al., Aged blood inhibits hippocampal neurogenesis and activates microglia through VCAM1 at the blood-brain barrier).

During the study, plasma from old rodents was injected into the skull of young mice. At the same time, scientists analyzed the activity of genes in old cells of the hemato-encephalic barrier (BBB) — a physiological barrier between the circulatory and central nervous system, which is present in all vertebrates. Its main function is to support the homeostasis of the brain. Thanks to BBB, the nervous tissue is protected, in particular, from toxins and dangerous microorganisms. Through this "filter", bioactive nutrients enter the brain. At the same time, the barrier can interfere with treatment, since it does not allow many medications to pass through.

A study of the hippocampus of mice showed that during transfusion of "old" blood, genes that are responsible for the synthesis of the VCAM1 protein are activated. The latter suppresses the formation of new nerve cells in the hippocampus, and also contributes to inflammatory processes involving immune cells of the central nervous system. After blood transfusion, young rodents began to notice brain disorders. Moreover, in the case of old mice, such an effect was not observed.

Scientists themselves believe that blocking VCAM1 will make it possible to suspend brain aging. Genetically modified young mice did not encounter the described problems when they received blood transfusions from old rodents. The use of VCAM1-inhibiting antibodies also prevented neurodegeneration.

According to scientists, the results obtained during the experiment can be used to create a therapy for people that partially avoids brain aging. Obviously, the implementation of something like this is impossible in the near future. The results obtained will have to be repeatedly rechecked.

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