12 July 2012


Phobias accelerate aging

Kirill Stasevich, Compulenta

Women with phobias are older than their years by molecular indicators. Researchers blame psychological stress for such premature aging, which can shorten telomeres and thereby age cells.

There are a lot of different phobias, and anyone can name a couple of the most famous, like claustrophobia or arachnophobia. Perhaps there is no such subject or situation with which some kind of panic irrational fear would not be associated. Phobias are common: according to statistics, for example, 8% of Americans suffer from at least one phobia.

Psychological stress associated with phobias, like any stress, obviously has to have some effect on health. To test this, researchers from Brigham Hospital at Harvard University (USA) took blood samples from more than five thousand women aged 42 to 69 years. The blood test was compared with psychological testing data. It turned out that the ladies with phobias were older by molecular markers than their age – about six years.

In an article published in PLoS ONE (Okereke et al., High Phobic Anxiety Is Related to Lower Leukocyte Telomere Length in Women), researchers claim that telomeres can act as a link between phobias and accelerated aging. The authors of the work paid special attention to them. These terminal fragments of chromosomes protect genetic information from damage during cell division. With age, telomeres shorten, and the risk of damage to important genes increases. Telomere shortening can be accelerated by oxidative stress and inflammation. In turn, short telomeric areas increase the risk of cardiac, oncological and neurodegenerative diseases, especially at a certain age.

Psychological stress, according to scientists, can lead to inflammatory and oxidative damage to telomeres. However, as the authors of the study emphasize, there is no direct evidence of a connection between stress and telomere length. So this is just one of the possible explanations for how stress can shorten life, although it is the most plausible.

Women of middle and post-Balzac age are most susceptible to phobias, just when worries about their outgoing youth are becoming more acute. Well, perhaps a visit to a psychotherapist and taking antiphobic sedatives will help them to preserve, if not young beauty, then at least young health.

Prepared based on the materials of Medical Xpress: Anxiety linked to shortened telomeres, accelerated aging: research.

From the editorial office:
we hope that none of the readers of this message will give doctors a reason to add telomeroreductophobia to the list below – the fear of shortening telomeres :)List of phobias

Material from Wikipedia – free encyclopedia
Here is a list of so-called phobias (other-Greek. phobos – "fear"), recognized as existing. Only a part of the terms in the list are mental disorders.

ablutophobia – fear of bathing, washing or cleaning
agyrophobia (English) (dromophobia) – fear of the streets, crossing the street
agoraphobia – fear of space, open spaces, squares, crowds of people, markets
agraphobia (contraltophobia) – fear of sexual harassment
ailurophobia (galeophobia, gatophobia) – fear of cats
aichmophobia (English) – fear of sharp objects
aquaphobia – see hydrophobia
acrophobia – fear of heights
acoustic phobia (ligyrophobia, phonophobia) – fear of loud sounds
ahluophobia – see nyctophobia
androphobia – fear of men
anthophobia – fear of flowers
anthropophobia – fear of people or the company of people, a form of social phobia
apiphobia – fear of bees, wasps; a special case of zoophobia
arachnophobia – fear of spiders; a special case of zoophobia
astraphobia (English) (astrapophobia, brontophobia, keraunophobia or tonitrophobia) – fear of thunder and lightning
atihiphobia (English) – fear of making a mistake
autophobia – fear of loneliness
afephobia – see haptophobia
aerophobia (aviaphobia, aviatophobia) – fear of flying
brontophobia – see astrophobia
bateophobia – see acrophobia
verminophobia – fear of bacteria, germs, getting infected
vomitophobia – see emetophobia
galeophobia, gatophobia – see ailurophobia
halitophobia (English) – fear of bad breath
haptophobia (afephobia, haphephobia, haphophobia, hapnophobia, haptephobia, thixophobia) – fear of touching other people
hexakosioyhexekontahexaphobia – fear of the number 666
heliophobia (English) (geleophobia) – fear of the sun, sunlight
gelotophobia – fear of being the object of humor, ridicule
hemophobia (hematophobia, hemaphobia) – fear of blood
genophobia (English), coitophobia – fear of sex, sexual contacts
gerontophobia (geraskophobia) – fear or hatred of the elderly or their own aging
germophobia – see misophobia
herpetophobia – fear of reptiles, reptiles, snakes; a special case of zoophobia
heterophobia – fear of the opposite sex
gephyrophobia – fear of bridges
hydrozophobia – fear of sweating
hydrophobia (aquaphobia) – fear of water, dampness, liquids
hylophobia (English) (xylophobia, niktogilophobia, hylophobia) – fear of the forest, getting lost in the forest
gymnophobia (English) – fear of nudity
gynecophobia (English) (gynephobia, gynophobia) – fear of women
hypengiophobia is a fear of responsibility.
hypomonstrasquipedalophobia is the fear of pronouncing long words.
glossophobia (peyraphobia) – fear of public speaking
hoplophobia (English) (hoplophobia) – fear of weapons
gravidophobia – fear of meeting a pregnant woman, pregnancy
demophobia (ohlophobia) – fear of crowds, crowds
dentophobia (odontophobia) – fear of dentists, dental treatment
decidophobia (English) – fear of making decisions
dysmorphic phobia – fear of one's own appearance
dromophobia – see agyrophobia
zoophobia – fear of animals
iatrophobia – see iatrophobia
carcinophobia (carcinophobia, katserophobia) – fear of getting cancer, a malignant tumor
keraunophobia – see astraphobia
kinophobia – fear of dogs
claustrophobia – fear of confined spaces
kleptophobia – fear of stealing, or fear of being robbed
climacophobia (climactophobia) – fear of walking up stairs, stairs
koitophobia – see genophobia
contralto - phobia – see agraphobia
coprophobia – fear of feces
coulrophobia (English) – fear of clowns
xylophobia – see hylophobia
lacanophobia (lakhanophobia) – fear of vegetables
lipophobia – fear of fatty foods
ligyrophobia – see acoustic phobia
logophobia (verbophobia) is a phobia of speaking publicly or with strangers
misophobia (germophobia) – fear of contracting an infectious disease, dirt, touching surrounding objects
necrophobia – fear of corpses and funeral supplies
neophobia (English) – fear of the new, of change
nyctogilophobia – see hylofobia
nomophobia (English) – the fear of being left without a mobile phone, without communication
nosophobia (English) – fear of getting sick
nosocomephobia (English) – fear of hospitals
nyctophobia (English) (ahluophobia, scotophobia, ecluophobia) – fear of darkness, night
odontophobia – see dentophobia
oikophobia (English) – fear of home, returning home
osmophobia (English) – fear of bodily odors
panphobia (English) (panaphobia, panophobia, pantophobia) – fear of everything or constant fear for an unknown reason
paraskavedekatriaphobia – fear of Friday the 13th
paruresis – fear of urinating in public
pediophobia (English) – fear of dolls
peyraphobia – see glossophobia
radiophobia – fear of radiation
sitophobia – fear of eating
scoleciphobia – fear of worms, infectious insects; a special case of zoophobia
scopophobia (English) (scoptophobia) – fear of staring at others
scotophobia – see nyctophobia
somniphobia (English) – fear of sleeping
social phobia – fear of society, contacts, evaluation by others
spectrophobia (English) – 1) fear of ghosts
spectrophobia – 2) the same as eisoptrophobia
thanatophobia (English) – fear of death
tafophobia – fear of being buried alive, funerals
tachophobia – fear of speed
telephonophobia (English) – fear of the phone, waiting for a phone call
tetraphobia – fear of the number 4
technophobia – fear of technology
thixophobia – see haptophobia
tokophobia (English) – fear of childbirth
tonitrophobia – see astrophobia
traumatophobia (English) – fear of injury
trypanophobia (English) – fear of needles and injections
triskaidekaphobia (terdekaphobia) – fear of the number 13
trichophobia (English) – fear of getting hair in food, on clothes, on the surface of the body
phagophobia (English) – fear of swallowing, choking on food
pharmacophobia (English) – fear of being treated, taking medications
philophobia (English) – fear of falling in love
phobophobia (phobiophobia) – fear of phobias (fears), the appearance of symptoms of fear, fear of experiencing fright
phonophobia – see acoustic phobia
friggatriskaidekaphobia – see paraskavedekatriaphobia
hylophobia – see hylophobia
eisoptrophobia (spectrophobia) – fear of your own reflection in the mirror
ecluophobia – see nyctophobia
emetophobia (English) (vomitophobia) – fear of vomiting
ergasiophobia (English) – fear of operating (in surgeons)
ergophobia (English) – fear of working, performing any actions
erythrophobia (English) – fear of redness of the face
erotophobia – fear of sex or questions about sex
ephebiphobia – fear of teenagers
iatrophobia – fear of the doctor

Portal "Eternal youth" http://vechnayamolodost.ru12.07.2012

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