06 May 2010

RUSNANO and MP Biomedicals Anti-aging

According to the RUSNANO press center, Anatoly Chubais and MP Biomedicals President Milan Panich signed a cooperation agreement. The parties agreed to cooperate in organizing research and development in the field of nanotechnology, creating and modernizing an experimental base, providing conditions for the development and production of innovative medicines, including in the field of individual pharmacogenetics.

MP Biomedicals (until 2003 it was called ICN Biomedicals) is one of the leading manufacturers and suppliers of a wide range of reagents for research and production laboratories of biological and biotechnological orientation. The company's products include sorbents for analytical and preparative high-performance liquid chromatography and thin-layer chromatography, reagents and media for growing cell cultures, laboratory utensils and accessories. In total, the product range of MP Biomedicals is 55 thousand units. The company was founded in 1959. MP Biomedicals is headquartered in Santa Ana, California (USA). The founder and head of MP Biomedicals is Milan Panich, an American businessman of Serbian origin, former Prime Minister and Minister of Defense of Yugoslavia (1992-1993).

RUSNANO and MP Biomedicals plan to implement projects aimed at creating an innovative infrastructure in this area, increasing human life expectancy and combating aging.

The Parties agreed to participate in the work of scientific, coordination and other councils, competitive, expert commissions, working groups on the problems of nanotechnology in biotechnology and the pharmaceutical industry related to the scope of the Agreement, as well as to provide mutual methodological and scientific and medical support in the issues of safety justification in the creation and operation of nanotechnology.

RUSNANO and MP Biomedicals will jointly create conditions for the development of an innovative infrastructure that ensures the introduction of new high-tech technologies related to the subject of cooperation into production. In addition, the cooperating parties will form an information infrastructure that ensures the creation and support of information bases on scientific and medical developments and innovative projects in the field of biotechnology, pharmaceutical industry and nanotechnology.

The results of the joint work will be a long-term forecast on the areas of application of nanotechnology in the field of life science, the pharmaceutical industry and related industries, highlighting promising markets, products and services, as well as a list of priority areas and critical nanotechnology in the pharmaceutical industry. In addition, the parties will consider the prospects for investing in regions where there is already a developed pharmaceutical industry.

Portal "Eternal youth" http://vechnayamolodost.ru06.05.2010

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