08 May 2015

Breathe into the IR camera

A computer algorithm has been created that can recognize a drunk person

DailyTechInfo based on Popular Science: A Computer Algorithm Can See When You're Drunk

Everyone knows that alcohol is a rather insidious thing that makes hard–drinking people commit various stupidities. In addition, alcohol, even in small quantities, makes people blush who have not done anything reprehensible, embarrassing them and others. It turns out that this consequence of drinking alcohol has a downside that can be used against you. And a new computer program will help in this, which, receiving data from infrared cameras, can easily identify a person who has taken even a very small amount of alcohol.

Alcohol contained in a good glass of wine or a dose of something stronger, causes the blood vessels of the human body to expand. This expansion increases blood circulation and brings blood vessels closer to the surface of the skin, making the surface of the face hot and red. The degree of redness of the face may increase depending on the concentration in the body of an enzyme called aldehyde dehydrogenase, which takes part in the processing of alcohol. This, by the way, explains why people who have impurities of Asian genes in their blood are prone to severe redness of the face when drinking alcohol.

In order to teach a computer to recognize drunk people, researchers from Greece needed the help of 41 volunteers. With the help of an infrared camera, images of the volunteers' faces were taken before and after they had consumed four glasses of wine. The dose of alcohol taken led to different degrees of intoxication in different people, but the concentration of alcohol in the blood of all was approximately the same and was about 0.05 ppm. This concentration is below the threshold of 0.08 ppm allowed in Greece, after which people are forbidden to drive vehicles, but such a concentration increases the probability of a driver getting into a motor accident by 38 percent compared to a completely sober person.

All the data collected by the researchers were loaded into an artificial self-learning neural network, which made pixel-by-pixel comparison of all images of sober and drunk people. The analysis showed that the most reliable indicator of alcohol consumption is the temperature of his forehead and nose. And based on these data, a computer algorithm was built that could identify with 90 percent accuracy a person who had even drunk a little alcoholic beverage. At the same time, in order to conduct an analysis, the system absolutely does not need to know the type of the same person who is in an absolutely sober state.

On the left is an IR snapshot of a sober person's face, on the right is a drunk. A snapshot from the article Koukiou, Anastassopoulos
Neural Networks for identifying drunk persons using thermal infrared imaging (Forensic Science International, 2015) – VM.

The researchers believe that the computer program they created can be used for a variety of purposes. With its help, the police will be able to conduct a remote examination of drivers suspected of driving under the influence of alcohol. Combined with a system of street surveillance cameras, such a program can help identify "tipsy" people on the streets who have not yet committed hooligan acts, but can become a source of problems. And, of course, such a system integrated into an industrial controller or an on-board computer of a car will not allow a drunk person to start driving or become at the control panel of potentially dangerous technological equipment.

Portal "Eternal youth" http://vechnayamolodost.ru08.05.2015

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