06 October 2016

Domestic gadget for health monitoring

CardioMarker was presented at the BIOTECHMED conference

Radioelectronic Technologies Concern, part of Rostec State Corporation, in the framework of the BIOTECHMED conference (Gelendzhik, September 26-27) presented the telemedicine complex CardioMarker, which allows a doctor or dispatcher to monitor the condition of the heart and the entire body of patients at a distance.

CardioMarker captures and automatically analyzes the electrocardiogram and pulse of medical quality anywhere and anytime. The compact wearable monitor is attached to the heart area, takes readings and transmits data via a smartphone or a special bracelet to the server. The results of their analysis are transmitted in real time to the doctor, the dispatcher, as well as to the user himself and are displayed in a mobile and web application in the form of visual infographics. The color scale will show whether the health indicators are normal. In case of detection of dangerous conditions, an alert is sent to the phone.

CardioMarker detects heart disorders: arrhythmia and ischemia. It is suitable for long-term monitoring of patients, as well as for detecting paroxysmal arrhythmia. CardioMarker allows the doctor to track the effectiveness of prescribed medications and adjust treatment.

In addition, the complex analyzes the functional state of a person: the degree of fatigue, the level of stress, the reserve of vitality, the ability of the body to recover. Monitoring these indicators will help to avoid overwork and maintain health, and is also used in sports medicine and in industries where it is necessary to monitor the condition of specialists.

CardioMarker is one of the first telemedicine devices in Russia. The use of such devices will help to identify dangerous conditions in time, provide assistance and ultimately save lives.

The complex has been tested at the Research Institute of Aviation, Space Medicine and Military Ergonomics of the Central Research Institute of the Air Force and has received high praise and recommendations for use in military medicine. 

CardioMarker was originally developed as part of the Warrior combat equipment, but then went beyond the defense project and presented as a purely medical device. Mass production is planned for the end of the third quarter of this year, 2016. Detailed information is available on the website cardiomarker.ru .

Portal "Eternal Youth" http://vechnayamolodost.ru  06.10.2016

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