20 September 2018

Throw together with Zero

The Zero app will help you quit smoking

Sergey Kolenov, Hi-tech+

Giving up cigarettes is not an easy task even for a person with an iron will. Now it will be easier to do this, the creators of the startup Roman assure. Their application allows the client to consult with a specialist, get the necessary recommendations and support.

Photos from the website ro.co – VM

The startup Roman, founded in 2017, initially focused on men's health. For $15, the company's clients suffering from erectile dysfunction can get a doctor's consultation via online chat or video link. If necessary, he will write out a prescription for "Viagra" or a similar drug.

Despite the fact that Roman does not accept payment for insurance, the services are popular. According to the company's CEO Zachariah Reitano, over a year their application has been used more than a million times. By the end of the second year, this figure should reach 10 million.

The success stimulated the startup management to look for new areas of development. And the company name was shortened to Ro in the process.

A new area is the Zero application, which will help smokers to give up a bad habit. Like the main Romano product, it connects the client with a licensed doctor, Fast Company reports.

Nicotine chewing gum, the antidepressant bupropion and a behavior correction application are offered as treatment.


The cost of an online consultation will be the same $15, plus the client will need to pay $ 129 monthly for medications and a subscription to a correctional application. Reitano hopes that soon Ro will be able to accept insurance cards for payment.

In the future, the company intends to launch additional medical services for men under the Romano brand and new applications to combat addictions within the Zero project. In addition, the startup is thinking about a wellness program aimed at a female audience.

As a rule, for the treatment of cocaine addiction, much more serious measures are needed than a doctor's consultation and a mobile application. Experts, for example, suggest implanting cellular "factories" for the production of an enzyme that neutralizes the effect of the drug. Experiments on mice have shown that this approach reduces addiction and protects against the effects of overdose.

Portal "Eternal youth" http://vechnayamolodost.ru

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