10 June 2015

Unique transplantation

The USA held the first in the world
successful transplantation of a part of the skull together with the skin


American doctors performed the world's first successful operation to transplant a part of the skull along with the skin, reports The Guardian (World-first skull and scalp transplant gives Texas man 'new lease on life').

The patient, cancer patient 55-year-old programmer James Boysen, had a pancreas and kidney transplanted from the same donor on the same day to reduce the risk of tissue rejection.

On June 5, 2015, the patient was discharged from the hospital and transferred to a sanatorium for recovery.

The operation itself was carried out on May 22. It took doctors almost two years to prepare for it, more than 50 specialists took part in the consultations, including experts in the field of microsurgery and neurosurgery.

Boysen suffers from leiomysarcoma (a cancerous tumor of smooth muscles). After he underwent a series of operations on the area of his head damaged by the disease, as well as chemotherapy sessions, an unhealed wound appeared on his skull – deep enough to expose the brain.

Portal "Eternal youth" http://vechnayamolodost.ru10.06.2015

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