06 September 2013

You can lose weight with the help of bacteria...

The influence of microflora on obesity has been proven

<url>An international group of scientists has experimentally shown that the cause of obesity can be a special intestinal microflora, and the effect of diet on fat accumulation is manifested indirectly – through the effect on the stability of the microflora.

The work was published in the journal Science (Ridaura et al., Gut Microbiota from Twins Discordant for Obesity Modulate Metabolism in Mice), its summary is given by NatureNews (Bacteria from lean mice prevents obesity in peers).

During the experiment, scientists obtained samples of intestinal microflora from four pairs of genetically identical human twins, which differed significantly in the mass of adipose tissue. These samples were injected into mice grown in sterile conditions and watched as the animals gained weight.

It turned out that those mice that received microorganisms from thin people, after how many weeks they retained a normal proportion of fat, and those who got the intestinal microflora of fat people began to gain weight. When mice of both groups were placed in the same cage after infection and they began to exchange microflora (mice sometimes eat feces), the microflora of thin "defeated" the microflora of fat men: both groups of mice remained thin.

Having obtained these results on animals fed with ordinary laboratory food, the scientists decided to repeat the experiment with a more "human" diet. Some of the mice were fed mainly vegetable food with a reduced amount of fat, the diet of others had the opposite combination of products (both diets for fat and vegetables correspond to the upper and lower third in American statistics for humans). It turned out that microorganisms that contribute to thinness are able to displace less useful counterparts only when mice were fed a healthier plant-based diet.

It is worth noting that the work does not deal with the detection of certain individual strains of bacteria that may be useful or harmful in themselves (although their existence cannot be excluded either). The effect observed by the authors is related to the general diversity of the microbiological community and how metabolism takes place in this community.

Previously, the association of obesity with a low diversity of intestinal microflora has already been shown statistically. In the new work, it was possible to demonstrate not just the correlation of the two phenomena, but also the causal relationship between them.

Portal "Eternal youth" http://vechnayamolodost.ru06.09.2013

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