01 October 2012

Elderly drivers: trust, but check

Based on the materials of the Motor websiteOlder British motorists turned out to be less dangerous to others compared to younger drivers.

Such conclusions were reached by specialists of the Institute of Advanced Motorists (IAM), according to the organization's website in the article Gold standard needed for silver drivers.

According to researchers, drivers over the age of 70, who make up eight percent of the total number of British motorists, get into accidents less often than young people. Only four percent of the total number of age drivers become involved in accidents that lead to victims. At the same time, the institute's specialists did not disclose data on the accident rate of novice motorists.

To date, Britons who have reached the age of 70 are required to retake the law exam, and then repeat this procedure every three years.

The researchers also found that there are now 154 drivers over the age of 100 in the UK. One of them is 106 years old, two more are 105 years old.

The number of 80-year-old motorists is 1 million 49 thousand 58 people, and in the next 10 years their number will increase to 1 million 283 thousand. There are 70 thousand drivers who have reached the age of 90 in the UK, and by 2017 there will be 82 thousand 400.

Recently, representatives of the German Green Party made a proposal to check the driving abilities of elderly motorists every two years.

The initiators of the re-license are confident that such a measure will avoid accidents, one of which occurred in early September in the city of Wuppertal with the participation of an 80-year-old woman. She lost control of her car and drove onto the sidewalk, as a result of which 12 people were injured, and one child was hospitalized in critical condition.

Photo from the scene of the accident from an article in the publication Autobild: Fahrtest fur SeniorenA similar case occurred in the USA.

A hundred-year-old American Preston Carter knocked down 11 people in front of a school in one of the districts of Los Angeles. The driver explained the incident by the failure of the braking system. However, he will not be allowed to drive anymore.

Portal "Eternal youth" http://vechnayamolodost.ru 01.10.2012

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