12 September 2013

Life in accelerated shooting

The whole life of a person in five minutes


Artist Anthony Cerniello in his film showed how a little girl gradually turns into a young girl, then into a mature woman and finally into an old woman – and all this in a few minutes.

To fully appreciate this amazing technology, watch the video without stopping on the big screen and always with sound (there is no dispute about tastes, so we will keep our opinion about the voiceover of the video to ourselves – VM).

Unlike most projects of this kind, here we see a live image with subtle changes – exactly as it happens in real life. The film seems to be shot in one frame.

Anthony filmed one large family – women of different ages with common facial features. Then the photos were processed and animated using morphing, and the eyes and hair were modeled in 3D and superimposed on top.

Photographer: Keith Sirchio
Animator: Nathan Meier, Edmund Earle
Music: Mark Reveley

Portal "Eternal youth" http://vechnayamolodost.ru12.09.2013

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