21 April 2014

Pensioners will be announced a personal "survival time"

No houses in Spain:
Britain will save the savings of pensionersIn Britain, retirement will be accompanied by a medical examination, according to the results of which the newly-born pensioner will be informed how long he has left to live.

As the Minister for Pensions Steve Webb explained, this is necessary so that people plan their finances and take care of their savings, and do not spend them immediately after retirement.

With details from London – correspondent of Vesti FM radio Elena Balayeva.

The average life expectancy of a man in Britain, according to the Office of National Statistics of the United Kingdom– is 86 years. However, as explained in the Ministry of Pensions, every fifth man will survive this age and will celebrate his 95th birthday. That is, someone who has savings should take this into account, otherwise he will spend the last years of his life in poverty.

Serious spending at retirement is not uncommon for the British. Going to a restaurant with former colleagues is not limited to. It seems to people that the time has come to spend their savings. Most often, savings are used to buy a house in Spain, there are also those who buy expensive cars. However, then it turns out that there is still a "long road" ahead, and there is nothing left to live on.

In order to prevent such a development of events, officials came up with the idea of predicting the future of pensioners. Of course, there will be no guessing on the cards. The approach is strictly scientific: employees retiring will be asked to fill out a questionnaire. In it, you will need to indicate your age, gender, the presence of chronic diseases, answer questions about smoking and alcohol consumption and tell about your hobbies in sports, if any. In response, the computer program, after analyzing the data, will give a forecast – how many years you can live under the given conditions.

According to the Minister for Pensions Steve Webb, many pensioners will be surprised by the computer's answer – it will be possible to safely add another 10 years to their own assumptions about 10 or 15 years. So, you need to spend your savings more carefully.

Britain, like other European countries, is a rapidly aging country. The current British pensioners may not have the same good medicine as the Germans, but they still live longer than their grandfathers' generations. According to forecasts, in 2037 there will be six million people who will turn 80. That is, every twelfth inhabitant of the country. And the number of real centenarians will increase. Now there are about 13 thousand old people living in Britain who are 100 years old or older. And by the middle of the 21st century, there will be almost 10 times more of them – 111 thousand. At the same time, if now there are a little more than three people of working age for one old man, then by the middle of the century this figure will decrease to only 2500 people.

According to experts, the new figures should push the government to take new measures to improve the country's pension system, otherwise Britain will face an army of impoverished pensioners.

Portal "Eternal youth" http://vechnayamolodost.ru21.04.2014

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