08 October 2012

Rumors and gossip about the choice of the sex of the unborn child

Mom will buy a girl

Mama kauft sich ein Madchen (Tages anzeiger, 30.09.2012)
Translation: InopressaAccording to the online publication Slate, which is referenced by Tagesanzeiger, American artificial insemination clinics earn up to $ 100 million a year on the appearance of babies of the sex that the customer wishes.

The number of relevant operations, writes Marie Dove, is estimated at 4-6 thousand.

The corresponding method was originally developed to detect genetic defects of embryos "from a test tube". A set of chromosomes of embryos consisting of six to eight cells is scanned. In this way, the gender is also determined. An embryo of the required sex is transplanted into the mother's uterus.

The author reports that in most countries, the choice of a boy or a girl is allowed only in order to prevent a severe genetic disease related to gender. In addition, according to the journalist, in many countries there is a direct ban on "ordering" the sex of a child only according to the personal preferences of parents. However, the United States is an exception to this rule.

There are no reliable official statistics on the sex of children "ordered" during artificial insemination, the article says, however, according to Slate, the largest American IVF clinics indicate that in 80% of cases, clients who "order" the sex of the embryo want a girl.

"While in China or India parents are trying to conceive sons by all means, and abortions of female embryos are a mass phenomenon, in the USA there is an opposite trend. There is a demand for daughters. According to experts, this is due, in particular, to the fact that today girls are considered more social, successful and less problematic than boys," writes Dove.

According to the publication, American clinics that "make girls" are visited by clients from many countries. So, the Daily Mail reported on the corresponding "tourism" from the UK to the USA, although it was only about "dozens of cases".

The method of selecting embryos by gender is also controversial in the United States, the author of the article continues. The American Society for Reproductive Medicine criticizes the fact that healthy, fertile women decide on unsafe intervention, and specialists in reproductive medicine forget about their original task: the treatment of infertile couples. In addition, specialists in reproductive medicine are afraid that the parents of such children will raise them according to rigid gender stereotypes, which can lead to psychological disorders.

Portal "Eternal youth" http://vechnayamolodost.ru08.10.2012

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