25 February 2020

Spend five minutes on the questionnaire

What do we know about cancer and why are we afraid of it?

"Dr. Peter"

The Association of Nurses and the AdVita Charitable Foundation have launched a sociological survey to find out how strong the myths about cancer are in Russia.

Of all the diseases, most of us are afraid of cancer. Some believe that patients with such a disease have almost no chance, although this is absolutely not the case. The Association of Nurses and the AdVita Charitable Foundation decided to find out what Russians think about cancer, what myths they believe. They plan to do this with the help of a survey.

"Now social labels (stigmas) are often attached to people suffering from certain diseases. Cancer patients regularly face this. We decided to study the phenomenon of stigmatization in order to understand how to help them," the authors of the project say.

The idea of the study grew out of the #neboysyamask challenge, which was held on social networks last year for World Cancer Day. Many of the foundation's wards have repeatedly faced discrimination because of their illness. Often the aggression of society is caused by wearing a simple medical mask. In addition, due to the widespread myths about cancer, many believe that cancer patients are contagious. One of the most resonant cases occurred in 2018, when residents of one of the Moscow high–rise buildings organized a collection of signatures against renting an apartment to parents of children with oncological diseases - they came to the capital for treatment at the NMIC of Pediatric Hematology, Oncology and Immunology. Dmitry Rogachev. Residents called the apartment an "oncological dispensary" and urged people to vote for a ban on finding cancer patients in the house, since cancer is allegedly a contagious infection that can be transmitted by airborne droplets.

The anonymous questionnaire is based on the international Cancer Stigma Scale. The main purpose of the survey is to identify general trends in attitudes towards cancer patients in society. You can participate in the survey here.

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