18 June 2008

Allergy to cosmetics

Olesya Sosnitskaya, Weekly magazine "Be healthy"Using cosmetics, we want to emphasize our beauty, and we certainly do not expect to end up with inflamed eyes, swollen eyelids and lips, spots on the skin and brutal itching.

Meanwhile, no one is immune from allergic reactions. It's just that some people – people with sensitive skin and a tendency to allergies – are at risk, while others may, by coincidence, pull out an unlucky ticket in the form of individual intolerance or an allergy that has never been manifested before.

By the way, allergy and individual intolerance are different reactions in nature, but for simplicity we will use the term "allergy" that everyone understands.

What is an atypical reaction to? Yes, for anything! About the variety of allergens, you can write a separate treatise or defend a dozen doctoral dissertations, but there is still some dependence between the ingredients and the frequency of adverse reactions. The most common allergens are preservatives, perfumes and dyes.

PreservativesThe more all kinds of parabens and formaldehydes in a tube, the longer the shelf life of the product.

This is beneficial to the manufacturer: a long shelf life increases the chances of products not lying on the store shelf. Meanwhile, the high content of preservatives increases the risk of allergic reactions due to the concentration of aggressive chemical compounds. Products with a shorter shelf life may contain natural preservatives like sorbic acid or beeswax, but if, for example, you are allergic to honey, then you will have to give up such a desire for nature.

PerfumesOnly very naive people believe that a peach was really added to a cream or shampoo with a peach flavor.

In the era of "flavors identical to natural", this is an unacceptable luxury. Besides, do you remember how long fruit is stored? And the shampoo?

The stronger and more pleasant the cosmetics smell, the more flavors there are in it. Sometimes they are simply necessary to hide the unpleasant smell of the raw materials, but sometimes it's just a trick designed to charm the buyer, regardless of how it affects his skin.

By the way, scientists have been saying for a long time that natural perfumes are sometimes more dangerous than synthetic ones. The fact is that natural essential oils, which are excellent natural flavors, also perfectly and easily cause allergic reactions. This is especially true of bergamot and citrus oil.

DyesAniline paints in lipstick, metal salts (chrome, silver, nickel) in eyeliners and mascara are the most allergenic components of cosmetics.

Meanwhile, these substances can also be found in the composition of other inhabitants of the cosmetic bag. Just lips and eyes are places where cosmetics come into contact with mucous membranes, that is, any allergen comfortably gets inside the body.

The more stable and bright the color of the product, the more aggressive dyes it contains. So, choosing a bright blue hair gel, blood-red lipstick and waterproof mascara, you should think about whether you are ready to part with them easily in case of intolerance, and whether it is worth testing a new achievement of the cosmetology industry before important releases.

And so on, so on, so onLaying out a lot of money for boxes with world-famous logos, the last thing you expect is a trick.

It would seem that if cosmetics are high-quality and expensive, then there should be no problems. However, with the existing level of allergization, when almost every fifth inhabitant of the Earth suffers from one type of allergy, zeros on the price tag do not insure against allergies – even the highest quality ingredients can cause it.

As mentioned above, allergies happen not only to "chemistry", but also to natural products. It is advisable to correlate the composition of cosmetics with products to which you have a food allergy. Can't stand sheep's wool? It is worth giving up the use of cream and lipstick with natural lanolin. Food allergy to honey or strawberries? Do not add them to a homemade nutritional mask. The strongest natural allergens are citrus fruits, pineapples, chocolate, melon, strawberries, honey.

Hypoallergenic cosmetics do not happenThe loud statement of cosmetics manufacturers that their products are "hypoallergenic" and "allergen–free" is nothing more than an advertising ploy.

Now loopholes in the laws allow you to put such a label on the packaging after clinical trials on volunteers. However, when the eyelids are swollen here and now, it is unlikely that anyone will be comforted by the fact that somewhere in Belgium 500 or 1000 volunteers did not have such a reaction. After all, allergic reactions are individual, so no one personally guarantees your safety.

However, in hypoallergenic cosmetics, indeed, they try to add less of the most common allergens. Its shelf life is not so long because of the reduced amount of preservatives. The smell may be less pleasant due to the lack of aggressive fragrances, and orange scrub is not found in the line of hypoallergenic products. Otherwise, cosmetics marked "hypoallergenic" does not differ from others.

When an old friend is not a friendNot only new cosmetics can cause an allergic reaction.

The skin may react inadequately to the lines tested for years. And there are several reasons for that.

  • The expiration date has expired or more than half of it has passed

The composition of the cosmetic product changes over time, as air and bacteria get into it. The impact of the external environment has not been canceled either. People with hypersensitivity of the skin can safely use cosmetics only for the first half of its shelf life.

  • Storage conditions and rules for the use of cosmetics are not observed

Let's say cosmetics are stored on the dressing table, and the table is next to the battery. In this case, you should not be surprised if something goes wrong ahead of time. Again, if the mask is kept on the face not for five minutes, as indicated on the package, but for twenty-five, then the manufacturer is not to blame for the pathological skin reaction.

  • Photosensitization

The components of cosmetics sometimes react unpredictably to interaction with harsh ultraviolet light (mascara, perfumes, creams with essential oils, etc.). Therefore, from winter to summer, the composition of the cosmetic bag should change.

  • Applying effects

Taking certain medications (antibiotics or immunosuppressants), chemical peels, laser and photoepilation, general weakening of immunity and other stimuli can significantly change the body's response to quite familiar substances.

Ten rules of a home cosmetologist for allergy sufferers1. Leave professional cosmetics to professionals.

The substances contained in it are more active and aggressive, therefore, such cosmetics should be used carefully, under the supervision of a specialist and, often, not every day.

2. Due to the high concentration of potential allergens, avoid bright and poisonous shades of cosmetics, as well as excessively resistant products.

3. Do not buy new lines without first testing them on a small area of skin. To do this, apply body cosmetics to the crook of the elbow, and face cosmetics behind the ears. Unfortunately, it will not be possible to check the mascara and lipstick in this way – the reaction of the mucous membrane may differ from what happens to the skin. And always take a probe – at least, it will save money.

4. Do not use expired cosmetics. If something has dried up, thickened, changed color or smell, do not wait for the expiration date – ruthlessly throw it away.

5. Do not scoop the cream out of the jar with your hands – do not spread dirt and bacteria, use disposable cotton pads.

6. Try to use cosmetics of only one company at a time. The reaction to a mixture of heterogeneous components is very difficult to predict.

7. Try not to use products with a high alcohol content, they dry and irritate the skin, make it easier for allergens to get inside.

8. Some types of perfumes can cause increased photosensitivity, so it is undesirable to shower in front of the beach or solarium.

9. Body cosmetics should not be used for the face, as well as put something on the inner rim of the eyelids. It is better for allergy sufferers to dye their eyelashes two-thirds of the length without touching the roots.

10. Read the labels: if you are allergic to cereals, pay attention to the presence of wheat germ extract in the cream and the presence of corn starch in the powder, and if you are intolerant of nickel, give up nail polish with balls for stirring. Moreover, this also applies to proven means – the manufacturer may well adjust the recipe.

And most importantly: if the reaction is serious, immediately contact a specialist, and this specialist should be a doctor, not a sales consultant. If you are allergic to most cosmetics, then the way to the store should be through the office of an immunologist-allergist and dermatologist, since the problem is in the body, not in cosmetics.

Portal "Eternal youth" www.vechnayamolodost.ru18.06.2008

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