19 September 2023

Tea mushroom has the ability to normalize blood sugar levels

The popularity of "kombucha" - as our tea mushroom is called abroad - may grow even more. "Grandma's" drink has shown the ability to reduce blood sugar levels - therefore, it is very useful for diabetics and people with prediabetes. About the results of the study of American scientists told the famous biologist, professor at George Mason University Ancha Baranova.

"Fashionably, the tea mushroom is called "kombucha" and is now sold in America as a HEAVY drink in pumped gyms," - writes Professor Baranova in his Telegram-channel. This drink is favored by adherents of a healthy lifestyle.

The latest news about the properties of tea mushroom Baranova called "roofiesnoshnosnoschnosnye": scientists at Georgetown University have shown that the drink has distinctly pronounced sugar-reducing properties and, according to Baranova, "works better than metformin".

Participants in the experiment were expected to drink tea mushroom - a glass a day, and blood tests were compared with participants from the control group, who did not receive the drink.

Four weeks of taking a glass of kombucha (240 ml) reduced the average fasting blood glucose level from 164 to 116 milligrams per deciliter. And according to the norms, blood sugar levels before meals should be between 70 and 130 milligrams per deciliter. So the drink helped lower glucose levels to normal.

"If it can not cope with full-blown diabetes, then its predecessor - metabolic syndrome - the drink will stop," - says Ancha Baranova.

True, the Americans experimented with industrially produced kombucha - the drink is now becoming increasingly popular, and its production is growing. Whether the same properties have the tea mushroom home bottling - alas, it is unknown.

The composition of the drink produced by tea mushroom, by the way, is very simple - it is a mixture of lactic acid bacteria, acetic acid bacteria and a type of yeast called Dekker's yeast.

"The end products of primary fermentation were lactic acid and acetic acid, less than 1%.

Ethanol was present in an amount of 1.5%. That's 3.6 milliliters of pure alcohol per day (in terms of 240 ml of kombucha), so it's best not to drive out with granny mushroom in your car," the biologist warned.
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