28 May 2013

Coenzyme Q10 will help with heart failure

It is proposed to treat heart failure with a new drug

Copper newsThe use of coenzyme Q10 in the treatment of heart failure halves the mortality rate from this disease, showed the results of a comprehensive randomized clinical trial using a double-blind method presented at the annual congress of the European Society of Cardiology Heart Failure 2013 in Lisbon (Portugal).

According to the head of the group of specialists who conducted the tests, Professor from Denmark Svend Aage Mortensen, coenzyme Q10 should be included in the standard protocol for the treatment of heart failure, ScienceDaily reports (First Drug to Significantly Improve Heart Failure Mortality in Over a Decade).

Coenzyme (coenzyme) Q10 is synthesized in the body naturally, its presence in tissues is a necessary condition for their normal functioning. Its greatest concentration is observed in tissues with a high level of energy metabolism – in the heart and liver. As previous studies have shown, in heart failure, the level of coenzyme Q10 in the heart muscle decreases, and these two processes correlate with each other – the more severe the manifestations of the disease, the more pronounced the deficiency of Q10.

Numerous studies of the clinical use of this coenzyme as part of complex therapy have shown its effectiveness in heart failure – patients showed a decrease in symptoms, improved heart muscle function and overall quality of life without serious side effects. However, the assessment of the effect of coenzyme Q10 intake on the mortality rate from heart failure was carried out for the first time.

The trials involved 420 patients with severe heart failure taking coenzyme Q10 or placebo, whose condition was monitored for two years. Medical centers for monitoring test participants were located in Denmark, Sweden, Austria, Slovakia, Poland, Hungary, India, Malaysia and Australia. As the main evaluation criterion, a time period was chosen, after which, after the start of the tests, a sharp deterioration in the patient's condition occurred – unscheduled hospitalization due to exacerbation of heart failure, death due to a violation of the cardiovascular system, urgent heart transplantation, and so on.

It was found that coenzyme Q10 almost halves the risk of a sharp deterioration in the condition – this event was noted only in 29 patients from the group taking the drug, compared with 55 from the group taking placebo. In addition, coenzyme Q10 almost halves the risk of death from all causes, not only from cardiovascular diseases - during the follow–up, 18 patients who took coenzyme and 36 who took placebo died.

"Coenzyme Q10 is the first drug with a proven ability to improve survival rates in chronic heart failure since angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors and beta blockers appeared a decade ago, so it should be included in the standard protocol for heart failure therapy," Professor Mortensen said. – Other drugs used for heart failure block rather than improve intracellular processes and therefore have side effects. Taking coenzyme Q10, which is a natural and safe substance for the body, eliminates its deficiency and thereby energetically nourishes the heart muscle."

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