22 January 2024

Expert tells why more hair falls out in winter

The condition of hair in winter is noticeably worse than in the warm season. People are disappointed to notice that they fall out in greater quantities. How much hair should fall out according to the norm, and when to sound the alarm, told the doctor-trichologist, candidate of medical sciences Anastasia Kurskaya.

According to statistics, more than 60 percent of men and about 40 percent of women suffer from hair loss.

The norm, according to the specialist, is considered the loss of 50 to 150 hairs. In winter, indeed, this number may increase, the reason for this - temperature fluctuations between "minus" on the street and warm air indoors, excessive dryness of air in apartments, as well as wearing hats, overheating of the head up to sweat.

By the way, counting the number of hairs that have fallen out - an empty venture. The fact is that in the clump of hair that came out during combing are not only "freshly fallen" hair, but also those that fell out yesterday and the day before yesterday, but were not combed out immediately and stuck between other hair. This is why we find more hair falling out after washing our heads.

Hence came the myth that daily scalp washing provokes hair loss. It doesn't.

A trichologist told us how to better estimate hair loss. It is necessary to approximately estimate the number of hair loss for one week and divide the resulting number by 7. This will be a more objective method: after washing your hair, you will collect a whole clump, and on other days - seven to ten hairs.

You can also conduct a test. Before washing, divide your hair into several strands and twitch each of them. If more than 20 hairs remain in your hand, then you should go to see a trichologist.

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