21 November 2023

Pharmacist told what are the health risks of carrot juice

Carrots are among the most popular vegetables in the world, as they contain many vitamins and useful substances. However, even it should not be abused, as carrots can provoke various diseases.

According to the candidate of pharmaceutical sciences Igor Sokolsky, carrots are rich in carotenoids, which produce vitamin A necessary for the immune system, reproductive function and metabolism. With excessive consumption of carrots can occur liver dysfunction and, as a consequence - carotenoid jaundice. The patient has yellowing of the whites of the eyes, palms and skin.

As a rule, such consequences are caused by the use of carrot juice, which is popular among fans of various diets. From carrot juice should be refused during an exacerbation of gastritis or pancreatitis, with increased stomach acidity. Carrot juice is also not allowed for children under 10 months, as the liver may be disturbed or carotene jaundice will begin.

Experts recommend drinking carrot juice no more than 200 milliliters a day or use 100 grams of fresh carrots.

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