21 January 2015

Gadgets should be washed!

Smartphones turned out to be dirtier than toilets by almost 20 times

Copper news based on MailOnline materials: How filthy is YOUR phone?
Pictures reveal the stomach-churning 'invisible life' lurking on the average handset

After studying the microbiota contained on the surface of smartphones, British researchers found that their surface is flooded with a variety of bacteria, including pathogens.

Researchers from the University of Surrey placed 30 mobile devices in Petri dishes with an environment favorable for the development of microorganisms. Three days later, 18 times more conditionally pathogenic bacteria grew in them than on the toilet drain handle in the men's toilet.

A picture from the University of Surrey press release The hidden life on your phone – the bacteria that lurk on your mobile (Thursday 21 February 2013). Growing bacteria from the surface of smartphones and other gadgets is part of the course "Practical and Biomedical Bacteriology" for biology students at the University of Surrey, and not another study by British scientists–

Conditionally pathogenic microorganisms can peacefully exist, for example, on the skin or in the upper respiratory tract of a person, without harming him. However, with a decrease in immunity or when they get into wounds and micro-injuries of the skin and mucous membranes, they can become pathogenic, causing the development of infections.

As the experiment showed, the surface of almost a quarter of the smartphones studied was so polluted that the level of bacterial infection exceeded the acceptable level by about ten times, and one of the devices was contaminated to such an extent that its owner could get upset stomach from using it.

Among other microorganisms, Staphylococcus aureus (Staphylococcus aureus) was found on smartphone cases, which can cause severe food poisoning, impetigo (superficial skin rash) and even sepsis. In this regard, it is necessary not to forget about the hygiene of mobile devices and periodically clean their surface with disinfectants.

Portal "Eternal youth" http://vechnayamolodost.ru21.01.2015

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