30 April 2015

How do Russians assess their health and well-being of their relatives

About health frankly!

The All-Russian Center for the Study of Public Opinion (VTsIOM) presents data on how Russians assess the state of their health and the well-being of their relatives.

The average Russian does not complain about health in general, and in case of malaise, he turns to the state clinic or is treated independently.

Half of Russians (49%) are quite satisfied with their state of health. More than a third (38%) rate their own well–being even higher - as "good" or "very good". Only 12% are dissatisfied with it. Young people (68% from 18 to 24 years old) and those who studied at universities (47%) respond more positively about their health, while people aged 32% over 60 years old and poorly educated (36%) complain of ailments mainly. The well–being of loved ones is considered "satisfactory" by 70% of respondents (for comparison, in 2014 - 74%).

27% of our fellow citizens currently call excessive anxiety and anxiety the main cause of diseases. Aging, which led the rating of negative factors last year (31%), is now in second place (23%). Another 22% of respondents are convinced that all diseases are associated with poor ecology. More often they began to complain about unfavorable climatic conditions (from 8% in 2014 to 14% in 2015). One in five (20%) blames work fatigue, lack of time for treatment and rest for ailments, and one in ten (12%) blames work in harmful production. 19% believe that diseases are usually inherited. 17% complain about the lack of funds for prevention and treatment. Negative factors also include poor nutrition (12%), lack of physical activity (9%), etc.

In case of illness, 46% of respondents go to the state polyclinic for free medical care (from 55% in 2014). Only 8% of respondents turn to paid medical services. Over the year, the proportion of those who prefer self-medication has increased (from 32% to 38%). Older people are more likely to visit state polyclinics (56% over 60 years old), and young people usually try to cope with diseases on their own (51% from 18 to 24 years old). Folk healers are popular with only 2% of respondents. Finally, 5% of the survey participants do not take any action when they are unwell, letting everything take its course.

The initiative All-Russian VTSIOM survey was conducted on April 11-12, 2015. 1,600 people were interviewed in 130 localities in 46 regions, territories and republics of Russia. The statistical error does not exceed 3.5%.

Tables with survey results from 2006 to 2015 are in the original article on the VTSIOM website.

Portal "Eternal youth" http://vechnayamolodost.ru30.04.2015

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