05 September 2018

Once again about the dangers of sports

Good physical shape does not save you from heart disease

Valeria Sema, "Mednovosti"

It is believed that if middle-aged people exercise more, they live longer. Nevertheless, a new study by the University of British Columbia (University of British Columbia) shows that even a good physical form does not protect against cardiovascular diseases, although symptoms are often not noticeable.

The study, published in BMJ Open Sport and Exercise Medicine, highlights how important it is for middle-aged athletes to check for risk factors for cardiovascular problems, especially with high blood pressure, high cholesterol or burdened heredity in the field of cardiovascular diseases.

Cardiovascular diseases are conditions in which there is a narrowing or blockage of blood vessels, which can lead to myocardial infarction, chest pain (angina pectoris) or stroke.

"We all know that exercise is good for us – it can help prevent a number of health problems and diseases, from cancer to depression," she said Barbara Morrison, lead author of the study and a doctoral student in the Department of Experimental Medicine at the University. "However, even if you are really active, our results show that you still can't get around your risk factors."

The study participants were 798 veteran athletes (35 years and older) who engage in moderate and high intensity at least three times a week. This group included runners, cyclists, triathletes, rowers and hockey players.

Participants were asked a series of questions about their health, family medical history and physical activity levels. They also had their blood pressure checked, their waist circumference measured, and some had an electrocardiogram with physical activity. In case of abnormal results, computed tomographic coronary angiography was performed to determine whether there were cardiovascular diseases.

94 people (12%) were found to have severe cardiovascular diseases, 10 (1.3%) - severe coronary artery disease (artery blockage by 70% or more), despite the absence of any symptoms.

These results are based on previous studies, according to which it is recognized that among veteran athletes there is a higher level of cardiovascular diseases than among non-athletes of the same age with similar risk factors. However, veteran athletes usually have more calcified atherosclerotic plaques (they are more stable and less likely to cause myocardial infarction).

Although the findings may seem alarming, the researchers stressed that this does not mean the need to stop exercising. They recommend regularly visiting a doctor and checking your health, including blood pressure measurement and cholesterol monitoring, especially if you have a family history of myocardial infarction or stroke. Cardiovascular disease is treatable, and properly selected medications reduce the risk of mortality, especially in active people.

It is necessary to exercise moderation when doing physical exercises, explained Barbara Morrison: "There is no evidence that doing exercises at the limit will make your life longer, or your heart stronger, but, when taken to the extreme, it can potentially cause harm. You should never strain yourself so much that you won't be able to train the next day."

Portal "Eternal youth" http://vechnayamolodost.ru

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