17 November 2023

Oncologist named three factors in the development of stomach cancer

The bacterium Helicobacter pylori can cause gastritis, associated ulcers and gastric malignancy. It is able to produce substances that affect the epithelium of the stomach. Defects in the mucosa - the entrance gate for the penetration of acid contained in gastric juice. It begins to eat away at the stomach. When the bacteria multiply, the immune system "turns on" - inflammation occurs, and a constantly inflamed stomach also becomes vulnerable.

The risk of stomach cancer increases two or even three times if a close relative has had such a diagnosis. Gene mutations can be inherited, causing a predisposition to the development of oncology.

The third factor is undoubtedly a person's lifestyle. At risk is the one who does not observe the diet, often overeating, eating the wrong food. All this irritates the walls of the stomach and also contributes to the development of oncology.

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