20 February 2017

The harm of fasting and how to compensate for it

Is it possible to preserve health by giving up meat

Irina Reznik, Mednovosti

Vegetarianism, raw food and fasting are three common reasons for changing the usual diet of modern people. In Russian conditions, the shortage of animal products, which are difficult to replace, or even impossible, leads to a deficiency of vitamin B12, iron and, oddly enough, cholesterol. So that food addictions do not turn into serious health problems, experts advise to pay more attention to your diet and periodically take blood tests.

The main problems of vegetarians and raw foodists

malinovskaja.jpgThe Russian climate, as well as the historically established set of available products, which are difficult to replace without harm to the body, do not encourage vegetarianism, experts warn. True, there are many dietary supplements on the market today for adherents of these diets, but the digestibility of nutrients varies from person to person. Therefore, refusing animal food, it is worth regularly monitoring laboratory health indicators. Which ones, Olga Malinovskaya, medical director of the KDL laboratory network, a doctor of clinical laboratory diagnostics, told Mednovosti.


In the body, iron can be stored only in combination with proteins, and its reserves are small, especially in women. A protein-poor diet has a negative effect on digestibility and iron metabolism. Just a few weeks of a vegetarian diet can cause a decrease in iron levels in the blood, especially since iron compounds from plant foods are absorbed much worse than from animal products. Vegetarians need to monitor this indicator at least once every six months, since it may take up to a year to restore iron levels with the help of special dietary supplements.

Vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin)

Basically, vitamin B12 can be obtained from animal products – meat and animal offal, seafood, milk, cheese, and at the same time it is not synthesized in the body. The content of this vitamin does not decrease at lightning speed. The consumption of vitamin B12 is not great, and the supply is substantial, so its true deficiency is quite rare. However, in people suffering from chronic gastritis, the absorption of vitamin B12 from food is impaired. In such a situation, a vegetarian diet quickly leads to vitamin deficiency. Absolute deficiency can be observed in vegetarians and vegans who adhere to restrictions for more than 1-1.5 years. This also applies to infants fed with the milk of vegetarian mothers. Vitamin B12 deficiency makes itself felt by a decrease in concentration, apathy and decreased performance. Often, many people do not pay attention to B12 deficiency, since they associate their condition with external causes, for example, with workload at work, but the continued decrease in cyanocobalamin levels leads to anemia.

Sex hormones

Cholesterol is necessary for the synthesis of sex hormones, so strict restrictions on the intake of fats and carbohydrates affect the production of estrogen, progesterone and testosterone. Gynecologists-endocrinologists often diagnose a change in the hormonal background in vegetarians, sometimes critical. Another significant factor in maintaining a normal hormonal background and menstrual cycle in women is a healthy weight. Weight loss below 47-45 kg can cause serious disorders, while recovery will take a long time.  


More than 100 catalytic reactions take place with the participation of zinc, so the deficiency of this substance negatively affects cellular metabolism. Unlike other elements, zinc is not stored by the body for the future, so an adult constantly needs its intake with food. Zinc deficiency is primarily manifested in rapidly separating tissues: the skin and mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract. Moreover, without adequate zinc intake, the immune system suffers and spermatogenesis may be disrupted. Zinc is also extremely important for nursing mothers, as it is necessary for the proper development of the child. This trace element is also mainly found in animal products and seafood. Zinc is absorbed much worse from green vegetables, since a large amount of vegetable fiber and phytin disrupt the absorption of zinc in the intestine.


In addition to the well-known function of calcium to maintain bones, this macronutrient has several other important functions in the body, for example, calcium is necessary for the transmission of neural signals, muscle function and hormonal secretion. Calcium is contained in large quantities in cottage cheese, milk and cheese, if you refuse them, then it is very difficult to replenish this element from other sources. The deficiency is especially dangerous for postmenopausal women. In addition, in the technology of a modern city, when a person literally "does not see white light", problems with calcium absorption may be associated with a lack of vitamin D.

Fasting and talking

Depending on the severity of the restrictions imposed on themselves, fasting people face the same problems as vegetarians. But, what causes the greatest harm to health is a sharp return to the usual food regime after a long period of restrictions. »Every year at Easter, the board adds work to the Ambulance doctors," Malinovskaya says. "People get exacerbations of diseases of the pancreas, gallbladder and liver after they return to fatty and protein–rich foods." This mainly concerns the elderly, as well as those who suffer from pancreatitis and cholecysto-pancreatitis. And when going to fast, you should take this into account. The detection of exocrine pancreatic insufficiency requires a comprehensive laboratory diagnosis of not only pancreatic enzymes (amylase and lipase by blood analysis), but also some other laboratory tests.

How to replace meat

The dietary newsletter of the National Institutes of Health of the USA provides the following data on the content of substances in plant foods that are rich in animal food.


It is found in fairly large quantities in white beans, in smaller quantities in other legumes, dark chocolate with a high cocoa content, lentils, spinach and cashews.

Vitamin B12

Its content in non-animal products is too low to count on them as a source of vitamin.


It is useless to try to compensate for calcium with nuts. But you can try calcium-enriched soy milk.


The largest amount is contained in oysters. From non–animal products - in cashews, almonds, legumes.

"Good" cholesterol (high-density lipoproteins)

Its increase is promoted by fatty foods such as olive oil, avocado, nuts, flax seeds, sunflower and other whole-grain products, as well as dark chocolate with a high cocoa content.

The content of the fundamental substances in plant foods is insignificant, and the preparation of a balanced diet and following it is quite problematic, American scientists conclude. Therefore, it is easier for vegetarians to take dietary supplements.

Vegetarianism and children

borovik.jpgThe non-standard eating behavior of the family has a particularly negative effect on young children, the head of the department believes. Department of nutrition of a healthy and sick child of the FSBI "Scientific Center for Children's Health", Professor Tatiana Borovik.

"Animal protein is amino acids that are very important for the structure of organs and systems. And meat is practically the only source of heme iron, which affects brain development and cognitive functions. And by depriving a child of meat, we initially put him in a difficult position, harming his intellectual development, which will later be difficult to restore. 

Meat also contains vitamin B12. Fish is a source of polyunsaturated fatty acids and vitamin D. Calcium and B2 vitamins come from dairy products. And if parents promote vegetarianism and do not want to make exceptions for the child, then they should give the child the missing trace elements in the form of chemicals – by mouth or intramuscularly. And then they have to choose what is best for the child," the pediatrician warns.

As for fasting, this is an exception from the diet of many foods, which is also harmful to the child, as is vegetarianism. "In pre–revolutionary Russia, children were fed only on the third day after birth, they were not given dairy products during fasts," Borovik recalls. "And as a result of malnutrition and infections, only 25 children out of 100 children lived up to a year."

Portal "Eternal youth" http://vechnayamolodost.ru  20.02.2017

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