19 January 2024

A nutritional physician tells us what the benefits of red meat are

Under the term "red meat" usually mean beef, pork and lamb. Many experts say that it is undesirable in the diet, supporters of proper nutrition believe that it is better to refuse it.

Doctor-nutritionist of the highest category, candidate of medical sciences Ekaterina Nesvit told why it is undesirable to completely exclude red meat from the diet. There are a number of restrictions and contraindications that relate to its use, but at the same time it has its advantages.

In particular, it is a natural source of proteins, fats, vitamins and minerals. The same protein, which is abundant in red meat, is involved in many processes of the body and is a building material of cells.

Also in meat there is zinc, vitamin B12 and easily digestible iron, which, in turn, play an important role in providing the body with energy and maintaining immunity. Separately, the specialist notes the presence of a large amount of iron in this type of meat, and everyone knows that iron deficiency becomes a serious health problem.

Nutriciologist notes that the benefits of red meat will be in the case that you will be rationally approached to its use, and in certain diseases and conditions - with caution. This applies to people over 79 years of age, those who suffer from gout, chronic renal failure, those who have a predisposition to cardiovascular disease.

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