12 January 2024

Doctors have named two dangerous consequences of drinking tea

Tea is one of those beverages that many people drink on a daily basis, often in quite large quantities. If people have started to think more about the quality of the product lately, the brewing process is often neglected. In particular, many forget to get rid of the tea plaque that appears in the dishes from previous brews.

Doctor Elena Paretskaya believes that "drinking tea from the kettle and mugs, which are densely enveloped in dark plaque, is not worth it."

"In this film actively multiply fungi and bacteria, they accumulate and get into the drink, and from it - into the body," - warned the specialist.

All this can provoke the development of food toxic infections and infections of the digestive tract.

It is important to realize that tannins and oxalate salts, which can harm the stomach and kidney function, are formed when hot water and components of the drink come into contact with the tea film.

To get the full benefit of tea and not to harm the body, the doctor urged before brewing to thoroughly wash the teapot itself and its spout. It is necessary to completely remove all plaque.

Earlier, Doctor of Medical Sciences, endocrinologist Zuhra Pavlova warned that it is better not to drink tea immediately after a meal. The drink has an absorbent effect. Tea drunk immediately after a meal will bind and remove from the body many useful substances - calcium, vitamins A and B.

This, by the way, also applies to coffee.

"Coffee is really a good absorbent, but instead of calories (it is believed that coffee helps in weight loss - ed.) it will deprive you of useful substances: iron, calcium, vitamins B and A," - emphasized the doctor.

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