26 January 2024

Doctors have named a definitely harmful food that wears out blood vessels faster than fatty meat

Patients whose vessels are worn to a critical level at the age of forty are, alas, not uncommon. There are also those who at the age of 80 have changes in the vascular wall are not so significant to talk about a high risk of heart attack or stroke.

Specialists warn: planning to eat right, some people begin to exclude fats from the diet. Why this should not be done, explained experts.

It should be said that there are still unambiguously harmful fats. They are trans fats, says Natalia Denisova, candidate of medical sciences, nutritionist, senior researcher at the FIC Nutrition and Biotechnology.

Any product with trans fat is something that our body does not need. If you do not eat it, you will only benefit your health, said the doctor.

Recent studies and the practice of doctors have indicated a significant "contribution" in the development of cardiovascular ailments trans fats (these are artificially altered fatty acids of animal origin), previously noted a leading researcher at FGBUN FIC Nutrition and Biotechnology Alla Pogozheva.

Juicy fatty steak, which, incidentally, sometimes refuse, switching to a healthy diet, will be much safer than a cutlet from a fast-food establishment. Saturated fats in excess can increase the risk of cardiovascular disease. However, the lack of saturated fats is also fraught, because they support the function of cell membranes and improve the absorption of a number of vitamins (A, D, E and K), warned Natalia Denisova. Practice shows that a complete refusal of red meat, butter, egg yolks (there is such a thing) does not add health, but leads to hormonal disorders, vitamin deficiency, skin deterioration and other problems.

In addition, do not forget about useful omega-3 fatty acids. They are present in fatty sea fish, such as salmon, tuna, mackerel, as well as in walnuts, tofu, chia seeds and flax seeds.

Natalia Denisova also listed signs that indicate a lack of fats in the diet.

It is worth thinking about if you are constantly cold, feel pain in the joints, cravings for sweets, get tired quickly, can not lose weight. Also with a lack of fats, vision decreases, there are problems with hair loss, dry skin.

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