14 January 2013

1.2 billion for the fight against counterfeiters

Medical information technology
will help fight against counterfeit medicines

Visiongain has published a new forecast for the development of the market of medical information technologies used to combat counterfeit medicines. The forecast covered the United States, the five leading EU countries, Japan, Brazil, Russia, India and China, the health informatization news channel AKSINEWS reports.RU with reference to the Visiongain press release ('Pharmaceutical anti-counterfeiting technologies market will reach $1.2bn in 2015' predicts Visiongain report - VM).

According to analysts of this company, pharmaceutical companies lose billions of dollars annually on counterfeit medicines; in addition, the distribution of counterfeit drugs poses a significant threat to people's health and lives. It is not surprising that by 2015 the volume of the global market segment of information technologies used to combat counterfeit medicines will amount to $ 1.2 billion.

The most widespread technologies will be radio frequency identification, two-dimensional barcodes, as well as color-alternating printing. At the same time, the authors of the forecast note, no less important in the fight against counterfeit medicines will be the further development and implementation of industry quality standards and the "education" of consumers, who should be more actively explained the dangers of using counterfeit pharmaceuticals.

Portal "Eternal youth" http://vechnayamolodost.ru14.01.2013

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