13 October 2023

5 vitamins your body needs most in the fall

Autumn is a time when the body and immune system are changing from summer mode to "cold" mode; we are adapting to cold temperatures and shorter daylight hours. To help in this, to protect against colds and exacerbation of chronic diseases can take vitamins, although, as a survey of residents of Moscow and St. Petersburg, such prevention is engaged in only 35% of the population of large cities.

1. Vitamin C

Will help to strengthen blood vessels, stabilize cell membranes in cold weather, increase immune response, protect against infections and improve the emotional background. It is not by chance that doctors recommend drinking warm tea with lemon and rose hips and increasing the dosage of the vitamin taken during acute respiratory infections.

2. Vitamin B6

Supports the activity of immune T-cells, helping to protect against infections. It also strengthens the nervous system, helping you feel more alert and cope with fall moping.

3. Vitamin D

Daylight hours are shorter, and most days are cloudy, with the sun hiding behind clouds. Compensate for this will help to take vitamin D - it ensures the normal metabolism of phosphorus and calcium in the body, improves thyroid function and stabilizes blood pressure and heart rate.

4. Vitamin B12

Responsible for the formation of blood cells, improving memory, normalizing cholesterol levels. In addition, this vitamin helps to absorb vitamin D.

5. Vitamin E

Helps protect the skin in changing weather conditions, as well as support the health of the sexual system and normalize liver function.
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