06 September 2019

A new record

In India, a 74-year-old woman gave birth to twins

RIA News

A resident of the Indian state of Andhra Pradesh, who became pregnant with IVF at the age of 74, gave birth to two girls, the Hindustan Times newspaper writes.


According to the director of the hospital, Erramatti Mangayamma had a caesarean section.

"The operation went smoothly. Both the mother and the newborns are healthy and have no complications. However, the mother was sent to the intensive care unit so that she could get out of the stress experienced over the past few hours," the doctor said.

Mangayamma will not be able to breastfeed children, they will receive milk from a donor bank.

According to the director, the elderly woman was able to bear and give birth to children due to the fact that she did not have such medical complications as diabetes and hypertension.

Mangayamma and her 80-year-old husband Raya Rao were married on March 22, 1962. For the past 57 years, the couple has unsuccessfully tried to have a child. However, thanks to the artificial insemination procedure, a 74-year-old woman was able to get pregnant in January of this year.

Previously, another Indian woman, Omkari Panvar, who gave birth to twins in the summer of 2008 at the age of 70, was considered the oldest woman who became a mother with the help of artificial insemination.

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