03 April 2017

Bioinformatics will study the causes of heart disease

Scientists from NSU together with colleagues from the University of Edinburgh received a grant from the British Council

NSU Press Service

Novosibirsk State University and the University of Edinburgh (UoE) received a joint grant from the British Council within the framework of the Russian-UK interinstitutional cooperation program. The supported project is aimed at deciphering the molecular basis of cardiovascular diseases, one of the leading causes of mortality in both Russia and the UK.

The project "Methods of multi-mix genome-wide analysis of transcriptome, proteome and complex features for molecular profiling" is aimed at creating strategic links between NSU and the University of Edinburgh in the field of big data analysis with a focus on genomic and other multidimensional multi-mix biomarkers. The results of the project could potentially lead to the development of new biomarkers, methods of patient stratification and risk prediction, as well as to the identification of new drug targets for cardiovascular diseases.

A British group led by a specialist in genetic and genomic epidemiology Professor Jim Wilson, Center for Global Health Research, Usher Institute of the UoE, will provide unique data from multimix population studies. A Russian group led by PhD Dmitry Alekseev from the Laboratory of Theoretical and Applied Functional Genomics, FEN, NSU, will act as an expert in the processing and integration of large heterogeneous biological data, the development of algorithms and software.

The experience of participating in a project with one of the leading universities in multimix research will allow NSU to strengthen the school of bioinformatics and its position as a partner for future international and Russian collaborations. For the University of Edinburgh, working with leading experts in the field of statistical analysis of large omix data opens up prospects for further cooperation and knowledge transfer in a field with great biomedical potential.

Four industrial and academic partners are also involved in the project. The Institute of Fundamental Medicine and Biology (Kazan Federal University, Russia) will provide expert support in the field of transcriptomics, knowledge of the specifics and needs of (multi-)omix research in Russia. Atlas Biomed Group Ltd (UK) will act as an expert on the development and application of biomarkers. Genos Ltd (Croatia) will act as an expert in the field of glycomics, including its biomarker potential. Gero LLC (Russia) will act as an expert on how the discoveries of this project can be translated into the field of developing new and repurposing existing medicines.

Portal "Eternal youth" http://vechnayamolodost.ru  03.04.2017

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