25 January 2024

A biotechnologist spoke about the dangers of dishwashing sponges

Many times used sponge for washing dishes literally for a week turns into a repository of a variety of microorganisms. According to Maria Zolotareva, an employee of the Department of Biotechnology and Industrial Pharmacy of RTU MIREA, during a week they contain 200 thousand times more bacteria than a toilet seat.

The porous structure of foam rubber, in which food residues are collected, and fats, with which the sponge is impregnated, is a perfect environment for rapid multiplication of microorganisms. First of all, these are dangerous to human health Enterobacteriaceae of the E. coli group, coliform bacteria, staphylococci, as well as yeasts and mold fungi.

And Klebsiella bacteria are causative agents of respiratory diseases, affect mucous membranes, up to peritonitis and sepsis, can cause acute intestinal infections in adults and children.

Therefore, sponges for washing dishes should be changed every week, or even more often. And have different sponges - separate sponges for washing dishes, washing fruits and vegetables, and cleaning the sink.

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